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Europe Takes Steps to Counter China’s Influence in the Indo-Pacific Region

- April 24, 2023
Europe Takes Steps to Counter China's Influence in the Indo-Pacific Region
The growing influence of China in the Indo-Pacific region is raising concerns among European leaders about China's strategic intentions. In response, Europe is taking steps to enhance its presence and counter China's growing influence in the region.

The European Union (EU) has identified the Indo-Pacific region as a strategic priority and has been working to strengthen economic, diplomatic, and security ties with countries in the region. The EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy, launched in September 2021, is focused on enhancing connectivity, promoting sustainable development, and fostering digitalization through investments of up to €300 million in infrastructure projects.

One of the ways the EU is seeking to counter China’s influence is by deepening partnerships with like-minded countries in the region. The EU has been working to strengthen partnerships with countries such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, and India, all of which share its values and principles. These partnerships have also helped to foster free trade agreements with countries in the region.

The EU has also been critical of China’s actions in the region, particularly in the South China Sea, where it has called for the peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law. Additionally, the EU has expressed concern about China’s human rights record, particularly in relation to its treatment of ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang.

As the Indo-Pacific region becomes increasingly important to global economic and strategic interests, it is likely that Europe’s efforts to counter China’s influence will continue. However, the EU’s approach is characterized by caution and pragmatism as it seeks to balance its strategic interests with its economic relationship with China.

The EU’s commitment to counter China’s influence in the Indo-Pacific region is not limited to economic and security measures. It also recognizes the importance of promoting the rule of law, democratic values, and human rights, as it seeks to strengthen its partnership with countries in the region.

Moreover, the EU has been advocating for the establishment of a rules-based international order, which is essential to ensure the peaceful and stable development of the region. Through its engagement in regional forums such as the ASEAN Regional Forum, the EU is working to advance this agenda, thereby contributing to the maintenance of peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region.

Europe is taking concrete steps to counter China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region. The EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy seeks to enhance its presence in the region while taking a more assertive stance towards China’s actions. By deepening partnerships with like-minded countries and advocating for a rules-based international order, the EU is contributing to the maintenance of peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region.