China Hints at Retaliation After Biden Signs Taiwan, TikTok Laws

The recent developments in U.S. legislation have reignited tensions between China and the United States, with Beijing hinting at potential retaliatory measures following President Biden's signing of laws related to Taiwan and TikTok.

These actions have added fuel to an already complex relationship between the two global powers, raising concerns about escalating diplomatic and economic friction. President Biden’s signing of the Taiwan Relations Reinforcement Act and the TikTok Transparency and Accountability Act has drawn strong reactions from Chinese officials. The Taiwan-related legislation reaffirms U.S. support for Taiwan’s security […]

Chinese Scientist, First to Sequence COVID Virus, Protests After Lab Eviction

Dr. Shi Zhengli, a prominent Chinese virologist known for her groundbreaking work in studying coronaviruses, has recently made headlines after being evicted from her lab following her publication of the first sequence of the COVID virus.

This development has raised concerns about academic freedom and scientific inquiry in China, drawing attention to the challenges faced by researchers in the country. Dr. Shi, also known as “Bat Woman” for her research on bat coronaviruses, gained international recognition for her efforts in identifying and studying the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

China Has an F-35 Problem It Can’t Solve

China's military modernization efforts have been met with various challenges, but one persistent problem that continues to elude resolution is its inability to replicate or counter the capabilities of the F-35 stealth fighter aircraft.

Despite significant advancements in its defense industry, China’s efforts to develop an equivalent aircraft or devise effective countermeasures against the F-35 have faced formidable obstacles. The F-35, developed by Lockheed Martin, is a fifth-generation multirole fighter aircraft renowned for its advanced stealth technology, superior maneuverability, and integrated sensor systems. It is considered one of the […]

Chinese Swimmers Send Paris Warning Amid Doping Furore

Chinese swimmers have sent a resounding warning to their competitors ahead of the Paris swimming events, amidst a backdrop of doping controversies that have rocked the sporting world.

With heightened scrutiny on athletes and stringent anti-doping measures in place, the Chinese swimming contingent aims to showcase their prowess while dispelling any doubts about fair play and integrity. The recent doping furore has cast a shadow over international sports, prompting increased vigilance and scrutiny from regulatory bodies and the public alike. Amidst this environment, […]

Why China Is Perceived to Be Less Effective at Disinformation

China often stands out for its perceived lack of effectiveness compared to some other countries. Despite having a significant online presence and sophisticated technological capabilities, China's approach to disinformation differs in several key ways, leading to mixed results and challenges in shaping global narratives.

One of the primary reasons for China’s perceived shortcomings in disinformation is its tightly controlled information ecosystem. The Chinese government exerts extensive control over media outlets, social media platforms, and online content through censorship and strict regulations. While this control may limit the spread of false information domestically, it also hinders China’s ability to effectively […]

Top Chinese General Takes Harsh Line on Taiwan, Other Disputes at International Naval Gathering

In a display of assertiveness that underscores China's hardening stance on territorial and maritime disputes, a top Chinese general took a notably harsh line on Taiwan and other contentious issues during an international naval gathering.

This event, attended by military leaders from around the world, highlighted the escalating tensions in the Asia-Pacific region and China’s unwavering position on its core interests. The gathering, which brought together naval officials and defense experts to discuss maritime security and cooperation, saw the Chinese general delivering a stern message regarding Taiwan. He reiterated Beijing’s […]

China Decries G7’s Concerns on South, East China Seas

China has voiced strong objections to the recent statements made by the Group of Seven (G7) nations concerning tensions in the South and East China Seas.

The G7, which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, expressed their concerns over the maritime disputes in these regions, emphasizing the need for peace, stability, and adherence to international law. In their communiqué, the G7 nations underscored the importance of the United Nations Convention on the Law of […]

Book Business Associations Abroad Slam New Hong Kong Security Law

The international book publishing community has voiced strong opposition to Hong Kong's newly enacted national security law, citing concerns over its potential to stifle freedom of expression and curb the operations of the publishing industry.

Book business associations from around the world have come together to denounce the legislation, arguing that it poses a significant threat to the autonomy and openness that have historically characterized Hong Kong’s literary and intellectual environment. The national security law, imposed by Beijing, aims to prevent and punish acts of secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion […]

How Chinese Networks Clean Dirty Money on a Vast Scale

Chinese networks have emerged as significant players in the world of money laundering, utilizing sophisticated methods to clean dirty money on a vast scale.

These operations have not only drawn the attention of law enforcement agencies worldwide but have also underscored the complexities and challenges of combating financial crime in an increasingly interconnected world. Chinese money laundering networks operate with a high degree of organization and sophistication. They employ a variety of methods to move and disguise illicit funds, […]

Tens of Thousands Evacuated from Massive China Floods

In a dramatic turn of events, tens of thousands of residents have been evacuated from several provinces in China due to massive floods that have wreaked havoc across large swathes of the country.

The relentless downpours have led to rivers overflowing their banks, submerging towns, and triggering landslides, prompting a massive response from emergency services. The flooding, described as some of the worst in decades, has primarily affected the central and southern regions of China. The provinces of Hunan, Jiangxi, and Sichuan are among the hardest hit, with […]