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Germany’s foreign minister: Parts of China trip ‘more than shocking’

- April 19, 2023
Germany's foreign minister: Parts of China trip 'more than shocking'
Annalena Baerbock, co-leader of Germany's Green Party and candidate for chancellor, recently criticized China's human rights record during a trip to the country. In an interview with Bild am Sonntag, Baerbock expressed concern about China's treatment of its Muslim minority population and its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. She also highlighted China's use of facial recognition technology and monitoring of citizens' online activity.

Baerbock’s comments come amid growing international concern about China’s assertiveness on the global stage and its human rights record. The European Union and the United States have both imposed sanctions on China over its treatment of the Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang.

Despite her criticisms, Baerbock emphasized the importance of dialogue with China on issues such as climate change and global trade. She called for a more nuanced approach to China that balanced engagement with the country’s authoritarian regime with a commitment to human rights and democratic values.

Baerbock’s trip to China was part of the Green Party’s effort to expand its foreign policy platform and build relationships with key international players. As Germany’s general election approaches, Baerbock and her party are positioning themselves as a progressive alternative to the center-right Christian Democratic Union.

In conclusion, Baerbock’s criticisms of China’s human rights record highlight the need for a balanced approach to engagement with the country. While dialogue with China is important, it must be done with a commitment to human rights and democratic values. The Green Party’s efforts to expand its foreign policy platform demonstrate a commitment to engaging with key international players on important issues like climate change and global trade.