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Trudeau’s Climate Change Demands in Light of China’s Reliance on Coal

- May 2, 2023
Trudeau's Climate Change Demands in Light of China's Reliance on Coal

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been advocating for climate change policies and demanding climate sacrifice from Canadians. However, the author of this article published in the National Post points out that China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, continues to burn coal with abandon. Despite international pressure to curb its carbon emissions, China has shown little willingness to do so.

The author argues that Trudeau’s proposed carbon tax and other climate policies will have little effect on global emissions if China and other major emitters do not follow suit. Instead, Canada should focus on investing in clean technology and innovation, rather than imposing burdensome regulations on its citizens.

In addition, the author questions Canada’s decision to import oil from countries with poor human rights records, such as Saudi Arabia, instead of developing its own domestic resources. They argue that Canada should use its natural resources to create jobs and prosperity, rather than relying on imports from countries that do not share Canadian values.

While individual countries can take steps to reduce their own emissions, global cooperation and action from all major emitters are necessary to combat climate change. Canada should prioritize investing in clean technology and innovation and developing its own domestic resources to reduce its reliance on imports from countries with poor human rights records.