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Gaokao Exam: Testing Grasp of Xi Jinping Thought & Understanding the Power of Truth

- June 11, 2023
Gaokao Exam: Testing Grasp of Xi Jinping Thought & Understanding the Power of Truth
The Gaokao exam in China holds immense significance as a gateway to higher education. In recent years, it has expanded its scope to include a focus on Xi Jinping Thought, aiming to empower students with a deep understanding of the power of truth.

China’s Gaokao exam, also known as the National College Entrance Examination, is renowned for its rigorous nature and influence on students’ academic journeys. As the primary determinant for university admissions, it exerts tremendous pressure on students while shaping their educational trajectories and potential career paths.

In a significant move, the Gaokao exam curriculum now incorporates Xi Jinping Thought, an ideological framework developed by China’s current President. This integration reflects the government’s commitment to fostering a generation of students well-versed in President Xi’s principles and vision for the nation. By emphasizing the importance of understanding Xi Jinping Thought, the exam seeks to instill a sense of national identity, unity, and patriotism among students.

At its core, the integration of Xi Jinping Thought in the Gaokao exam is designed to cultivate students’ comprehension of the power of truth. It encourages critical thinking, analytical skills, and an appreciation for China’s history, culture, and social development. By delving into Xi Jinping’s ideology, students are prompted to explore concepts such as socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese Dream, and the rejuvenation of the nation.

This incorporation of Xi Jinping Thought in the Gaokao exam carries broad implications for both students and society. Firstly, it fosters civic responsibility by encouraging students to actively engage with China’s political landscape, promoting a sense of duty and active participation. Secondly, it nurtures critical thinking abilities by exposing students to diverse perspectives and challenging them to analyze underlying principles and their consequences. Thirdly, it nurtures a strong national identity by deepening students’ understanding and appreciation of China’s history, culture, and achievements. Lastly, it aims to shape future leaders by equipping students with a comprehensive grasp of Xi Jinping Thought, enabling them to make informed decisions and contribute to China’s development.

The Gaokao exam in China has undergone a significant transformation with the inclusion of Xi Jinping Thought. By highlighting the importance of understanding the power of truth, the exam seeks to empower students with a strong sense of national identity, critical thinking skills, and a deep appreciation for China’s past and future. Through their engagement with this demanding examination, students not only shape their individual futures but also contribute to the broader development and prosperity of the nation. The integration of Xi Jinping Thought in the Gaokao exam marks an important step towards cultivating a generation of well-informed, responsible, and visionary leaders for China’s future.