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Marcos Vows Full Force of Law Against Smugglers and Hoarders

- September 27, 2023
Marcos vows full force of law vs smugglers, hoarders

Smuggling, the illicit transportation and distribution of goods without proper customs clearance, poses a significant threat to a nation’s economy and security. It undermines legitimate businesses, evades taxes, and often involves the trafficking of contraband goods. In recent years, the Philippines has been no stranger to the challenges posed by smuggling.

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Romualdez Marcos Jr., recognizing the negative impact of smuggling on the country’s economic development and stability, has declared a comprehensive campaign to address this issue. This campaign involves the rigorous enforcement of existing laws and regulations, improved border security measures, and increased collaboration with international partners to combat cross-border smuggling.

In addition to the battle against smuggling, President [Name]’s administration is equally determined to confront hoarding head-on. Hoarding, the practice of stockpiling essential goods to create artificial scarcity and drive up prices, has been a recurring problem, especially during times of crisis.

The government views hoarding as not only an economic crime but also a threat to the well-being of the Filipino people. It can lead to price hikes, food shortages, and social unrest. To combat hoarding, the government is committed to strict enforcement, transparency in the supply chain, consumer protection, and public awareness.

The fight against smuggling and hoarding is not one that the government can wage alone. It requires the active participation and cooperation of all stakeholders, including businesses, consumers, and civil society organizations. Citizens are encouraged to report any instances of smuggling or hoarding to the relevant authorities.

President President Bongbong Marcos commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the interests of the Filipino people is evident in this bold stance against smugglers and hoarders. By taking decisive action against these illegal practices, the government aims to ensure fair competition in the market, stabilize prices, and promote economic growth, ultimately leading to a better future for all Filipinos.

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