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Arbitral Award and UNCLOS Vital for Unlocking Philippines’ Marine Resources

- April 24, 2023
Arbitral Award and UNCLOS Vital for Unlocking Philippines' Marine Resources
The Philippines' marine resources have immense potential for economic growth, but utilizing them effectively depends on upholding the country's maritime rights in line with the Arbitral Award and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). According to Secretary Ramon Lopez of the Department of Trade and Industry, the Philippines must assert its rights under these agreements to maximize the benefits of its marine resources.

The Arbitral Award, issued in 2016 by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, invalidated China’s claims to nearly all of the South China Sea, including the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. UNCLOS, meanwhile, is a treaty that sets out the legal framework for the use of oceans and their resources.

Secretary Lopez emphasized that the Philippines has significant potential for maritime development, with opportunities in fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, and transportation. However, he emphasized the importance of responsible development and environmental protection, as well as utilizing the country’s resources in accordance with international law.

In recent years, the Philippines has been actively reinforcing its presence in the South China Sea, asserting its maritime rights, and engaging with allies to counter China’s territorial claims. The country has also been enhancing its military capabilities, conducting patrols, and investing in infrastructure in the region.

Despite China’s claims to the disputed waters, the Philippines is confident in its rights and is committed to unlocking the potential of its marine resources. With ongoing efforts to uphold the Arbitral Award and UNCLOS and support from allies such as the United States and Japan, the Philippines is poised to develop its maritime sector and contribute to regional growth.

In conclusion, the Philippines’ marine resources offer significant opportunities for economic development, but effective utilization of these resources depends on upholding the country’s maritime rights in line with the Arbitral Award and UNCLOS. As the Philippines strengthens its presence in the South China Sea and seeks support from allies, the country is well-positioned to unlock the potential of its maritime sector and play a key role in the region’s growth.