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Asylum Seekers from Chinese Church to Arrive in Dallas-Fort Worth After Years in Exile

- April 7, 2023
Asylum Seekers from Chinese Church to Arrive in Dallas-Fort Worth After Years in Exile
The arrival of these asylum seekers from the Early Rain Covenant Church in China is a reminder of the ongoing religious persecution faced by Christians and other religious minorities in China. It also highlights the important role that local communities can play in supporting refugees and asylum seekers, and the United States' commitment to defending the universal right to worship without fear or intimidation.

A group of around 20 asylum seekers from the Early Rain Covenant Church in China is set to arrive in Dallas-Fort Worth in the coming weeks. These individuals have been granted asylum in the United States after fleeing religious persecution in China, where the government has been cracking down on unregistered Christian churches.

The Early Rain Covenant Church has faced numerous challenges in recent years, with many of its members being detained or imprisoned by the Chinese government. The church’s founder, Pastor Wang Yi, was sentenced to nine years in prison on charges of “inciting subversion of state power.”

The arrival of these asylum seekers highlights the ongoing religious persecution faced by Christians and other religious minorities in China. The U.S. government has criticized China’s treatment of religious minorities and has expressed support for those seeking refuge from persecution.

Local churches and organizations in Dallas-Fort Worth are set to assist these asylum seekers with resettlement, and they will be granted refugee status upon arrival. After one year, they will be eligible to apply for permanent residency in the United States.

The arrival of these asylum seekers also underscores the important role that local communities can play in supporting refugees and asylum seekers. By providing assistance with housing, education, and other basic needs, these communities can help individuals and families transition to their new lives in the United States.