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Biden’s Trade Chief Says US Working with Allies to Counter China

- April 24, 2023
Biden's Trade Chief Says US Working with Allies to Counter China
The US is working with its allies to counter China's economic influence, according to Katherine Tai, the U.S. trade representative. Tai spoke about the US-China trade relationship during a virtual event hosted by the Asia Society Policy Institute, emphasizing the importance of working with other countries to establish rules and norms that can serve as a counterbalance to China's influence.

Tai acknowledged the difficulties in dealing with China’s economic power and its state-backed enterprises, but stressed the importance of cooperation and collaboration to address the challenges. She stated that the US and its allies need to “work together in a way that is strategic and focused” to counter China’s actions.

Tai also highlighted the US’s focus on strengthening its own economy and creating jobs, while working to protect American workers and industries. She emphasized the need to promote free and fair trade practices and to ensure a level playing field for American businesses.

The US-China trade relationship has been strained in recent years, with both countries imposing tariffs on each other’s goods. The Biden administration has been working to review and reset the US-China trade relationship, with a focus on addressing issues such as intellectual property theft, forced technology transfers, and market access barriers.

In addition to trade issues, the US and China are also engaged in a competition for influence in the Asia-Pacific region, with the US seeking to strengthen ties with its allies and partners in the region to counter China’s growing influence.

Overall, Tai’s comments suggest that the US is taking a more collaborative approach to address the challenges posed by China’s economic rise, and is actively working with its allies to promote a rules-based system that can serve as a counterbalance to China’s influence.