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British Government Fends Off Growing Concern Over Chinese Infiltration in London

- April 25, 2023
British Government Fends Off Growing Concern Over Chinese Infiltration in London
The European Union (EU) is considering a diplomatic outreach to four key partners in Africa – Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa, and Kenya – to counter the growing influence of Russia and China in the region. The outreach would aim to promote shared values and interests and create stronger economic and political ties between the EU and these countries.

According to sources, the EU is concerned about the increasing involvement of Russia and China in Africa, particularly in areas such as infrastructure development, natural resources, and arms sales. The EU sees these activities as part of a broader strategy by Russia and China to expand their global influence and undermine Western democracies.

To counter this influence, the EU is planning to deepen its engagement with Nigeria and the other three countries. The outreach would involve high-level diplomatic visits, trade agreements, and investment in key sectors such as energy, transportation, and telecommunications. The goal is to create a strong economic and political alliance that will make the countries less vulnerable to pressure from Russia and China.

In recent years, China has made significant inroads into Africa, particularly through its Belt and Road Initiative, a massive infrastructure development project that spans several continents. Russia, too, has sought to increase its presence in Africa, often by providing arms and military support to various countries.

The EU’s outreach to Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa, and Kenya is part of a broader effort to counter the influence of Russia and China in Africa. The EU and the United States have both imposed sanctions on Russia over its actions in Ukraine, while China has faced international criticism over its treatment of its Uyghur Muslim minority and its increasingly assertive foreign policy.

By promoting shared values and interests and investing in key sectors, the EU hopes to create a strong economic and political bloc that will help to counterbalance the growing influence of Russia and China in Africa. The EU also hopes to foster a more stable and prosperous future for the continent, with improved infrastructure, better access to technology, and greater economic opportunities for all Africans.

The EU’s diplomatic outreach to Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa, and Kenya is a strategic move to counter the growing influence of Russia and China in Africa. The outreach is expected to involve high-level diplomatic visits, trade agreements, and investment in key sectors, with the goal of creating a strong economic and political alliance that will help to promote shared values and interests and make the countries less vulnerable to pressure from Russia and China.