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Canada Sees China as Less ‘Dependable’ Partner on Critical Minerals, Minister Says

- September 27, 2023
Canada Sees China as Less 'Dependable' Partner on Critical Minerals, Minister Says

Critical minerals, often referred to as rare earth minerals, are indispensable components of high-tech industries, including electronics, renewable energy, and defense. China has historically held a strong grip on this sector, supplying a significant portion of the world’s demand. This dominance has raised concerns in Canada and other countries, particularly regarding the vulnerability of supply chains.

Several factors have contributed to Canada’s changing perspective on China as a dependable partner for critical minerals. First, there have been geopolitical tensions between Canada and China, further emphasizing the potential risks of overreliance on a single nation for these vital resources. Trade disputes, diplomatic conflicts, and security issues have all played a role in this shift.

To mitigate supply chain risks, Canada is actively exploring diversification of its sources for critical minerals. This strategy involves domestic production as well as partnerships with other countries that can provide a more stable supply. The Canadian government is investing in research and development, streamlining regulatory processes, and fostering a supportive environment for domestic mining projects.

In addition to focusing on domestic production, Canada is looking to collaborate with like-minded nations to ensure a stable supply of critical minerals. This includes partnerships with countries in Europe, the United States, and Australia, where there is a shared interest in securing access to these crucial resources.

Moreover, Canada is emphasizing sustainability and responsible mining practices as it expands its mining operations for critical minerals. Ensuring that environmental and social standards are met is crucial for gaining international trust and maintaining a competitive edge in the global market.

Canada’s evolving perspective on China as a dependable partner for critical minerals underscores broader global concerns about supply chain security. As the demand for these minerals continues to grow, the pursuit of dependable and diversified supply chains remains a top priority for nations striving to maintain their technological and economic competitiveness while navigating the complexities of geopolitics and global trade.

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