India Tells China: No Normal Ties Until Emergency Border Management in Place

India has told China that normal ties cannot be restored until effective emergency border management is in place to prevent a repeat of the Eastern Ladakh border dispute.

The ongoing border dispute between India and China over the Eastern Ladakh region has been a cause for concern since 2020. In an attempt to assert territorial claims over the region, China’s actions have led to a violent clash between Indian and Chinese troops, resulting in casualties on both sides. The situation has only escalated […]

India Accuses China of Violating Border Agreements, Triggering Standoff

India and China are once again at odds as China is accused of violating border agreements, causing a standoff between the two countries

The longstanding tension between India and China has flared up once again as India accuses China of violating border agreements in the Ladakh region. The disputed area is the strategic mountain pass of Pangong Tso, which straddles the border between the two countries. Indian officials claim that Chinese troops crossed the border and advanced into […]

Taiwan Air Force Pilot’s Winnie the Pooh Patch Sparks Tensions with China

A Taiwan Air Force pilot's uniform patch featuring Winnie the Pooh has sparked tensions with China, in what appears to be a swipe at President Xi Jinping.

In a subtle nod to China’s past censorship of Winnie the Pooh images, a Taiwan Air Force pilot has been spotted wearing a flight suit with a Winnie the Pooh patch on his left shoulder. The cartoon character has been used in the past to mock Chinese President Xi Jinping, who has been compared to […]

The Maritime Bedrock of the US- Philippines Alliance- Analysis

The United States-Philippines alliance is built on a foundation of maritime security cooperation, as both nations share a common interest in safeguarding their territorial waters and exclusive economic zones. The partnership has been key in maintaining regional stability and security, especially given China's increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea.

The Philippines has taken significant steps to modernize its naval and coast guard capabilities with assistance from the U.S., including the acquisition of new patrol vessels, aircraft, and radar systems. Joint training exercises and information sharing have also been crucial in bolstering maritime security. This article argues that maritime cooperation is the cornerstone of the […]

Malaysia’s Energy Needs Clash with China’s South China Sea Claims

Malaysia's energy needs are clashing with China's territorial claims in the South China Sea, leading to a potentially volatile situation between the two nations. The disputed area, believed to be rich in oil and gas reserves, has been at the center of a long-standing territorial dispute between China and several other Southeast Asian nations, including Malaysia.

The Chinese government has been building military bases on artificial islands in the region, and has warned other countries against pursuing oil and gas drilling activities in the area. China has also threatened to use military force to protect its territorial claims, sparking concern among neighboring countries. As Malaysia is heavily dependent on oil and […]

Fearing China, Australia Rethinks Its Defence Strategy

Amid growing concerns about China's military expansion and aggression in the region, Australia is rethinking its defense strategy. In recent years, the Australian government has taken steps to increase military spending, upgrade its naval capabilities, and strengthen ties with regional partners such as the United States and Japan.

One of the key drivers of Australia’s defense strategy is the increasing assertiveness of China in the South China Sea. In recent years, China has been building artificial islands in disputed waters and deploying naval vessels and aircraft to assert its control over the area. This has led to rising tensions in the region, with […]

Israel Complains About Growing Chinese Role in Middle East at Washington’s Expense

Israel has expressed concern about China's growing presence in the Middle East, with Israeli officials arguing that China's increased involvement is coming at the expense of the United States. Israel has reportedly complained to American counterparts about what they see as China's rising influence in the region.

China’s expansion in the Middle East has been largely driven by its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a global infrastructure project that aims to connect Asia, Europe, and Africa. Through this initiative, China has invested heavily in Middle Eastern countries, including Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, building ports, railways, and other critical infrastructure. However, Israeli […]

‘Wholly Negligent’:Uyghur Asylum Seekers Keep Dying in Thailand’s Detention Centers

Abdulloh Eziz, a 38-year-old Uyghur asylum seeker, has died in a Thai detention center after being held for over two years. Eziz and a group of Uyghurs were detained in Thailand while attempting to escape China's Xinjiang region, where they faced persecution and internment in concentration camps. Human Rights Watch reported that Eziz had a severe medical condition and had repeatedly requested medical attention, but his requests were ignored, leading to his death on April 6, 2023.

The tragic death of Eziz highlights the plight of Uyghur refugees and the dangers they face when attempting to flee China. Many Uyghurs have been detained in countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia, which have close ties with the Chinese government and are often willing to cooperate with its efforts to repatriate Uyghur refugees. […]

Europe Takes Steps to Counter China’s Influence in the Indo-Pacific Region

The growing influence of China in the Indo-Pacific region is raising concerns among European leaders about China's strategic intentions. In response, Europe is taking steps to enhance its presence and counter China's growing influence in the region.

The European Union (EU) has identified the Indo-Pacific region as a strategic priority and has been working to strengthen economic, diplomatic, and security ties with countries in the region. The EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy, launched in September 2021, is focused on enhancing connectivity, promoting sustainable development, and fostering digitalization through investments of up to €300 million […]

Australia and Philippines Consider Joint South China Sea Patrols

Australia and the Philippines are discussing the possibility of conducting joint patrols in the South China Sea to help maintain stability and security in the disputed region.

The proposal was made during a virtual meeting between Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton and his Filipino counterpart, Delfin Lorenzana, on February 23, 2023. According to a statement released by the Australian Department of Defence, the two sides discussed “enhanced defence cooperation,” including the possibility of joint exercises and training, as well as increased intelligence […]