Taiwan Launches Its First Domestically-Made Submarine: A Landmark Achievement

In a historic moment for Taiwan's defense capabilities and its maritime ambitions, the island nation recently launched its first domestically-made submarine. This significant achievement marks a major milestone in Taiwan's efforts to bolster its naval forces, enhance its self-reliance in defense, and strengthen its position in the complex geopolitical landscape of the Indo-Pacific region.

Taiwan’s journey to developing its own submarines dates back decades. Faced with the ever-present threat from the People’s Republic of China and its expansive military capabilities, Taiwan realized the need to modernize and expand its naval fleet, including the addition of submarines. The quest for indigenous submarines has been long and arduous, fraught with technical […]

After Made-in-China Apps, India Now Wants to Block Beijing from Strategic Sectors

India's diplomatic and economic strategy is evolving as it endeavors to reduce its reliance on Chinese influence in several strategic sectors. This shift in policy, which follows the banning of several popular Chinese apps in 2020, demonstrates India's commitment to safeguarding its national interests and securing key sectors from foreign control.

India’s drive to diminish dependence on Chinese products and technology began with the sweeping ban on numerous well-known Chinese apps, such as TikTok and PUBG. The motivation behind this move was rooted in data security and national defense concerns. The ban sent a powerful signal about India’s determination to protect its digital ecosystem. Now, India […]

Three Chinese nationals killed in Israel-Hamas conflict

In the midst of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, three Chinese citizens have fallen victim to the hostilities. This revelation, disclosed by China's Foreign Ministry on a Thursday, highlights the far-reaching consequences of this long-standing geopolitical conflict.

The conflict itself is marked by a series of intense exchanges between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas, which have resulted in significant damage and loss of life on both sides. In the chaos of the situation, these three Chinese citizens met an unfortunate and untimely end, while two others remain unaccounted for. The […]

China’s Promise of Prosperity Brought Laos Debt – and Distress

In recent years, Laos, a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, has found itself at the intersection of China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). While the promise of infrastructure development and economic growth has been enticing, it has also brought about a complex web of debt and distress.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a massive global infrastructure and development project aimed at connecting nations through trade routes, investments, and infrastructure. Laos, with its strategic location and potential for economic growth, was quick to embrace China’s vision. The BRI brought a surge of investments into Laos, primarily focused on building railways, highways, and […]

Australian Journalist Detained in China for Three Years Arrives Home

In a long-awaited and heartwarming conclusion to a deeply troubling international incident, an Australian journalist who had been detained in China for three years has finally returned home. The safe return of this journalist marks not only a personal triumph but also raises critical questions about press freedom and the challenges journalists face when reporting from authoritarian regimes.

Cheng Lei, an Australian journalist and television anchor with China’s state-run CGTN, was detained by Chinese authorities in August 2020. Her detention raised concerns and led to an international outcry. Cheng’s arrest was shrouded in secrecy, with details about the charges against her being kept confidential. Such opacity in China’s legal system has been a […]

2 Million Reservists Join AFP Annually: The Impact of Mandatory ROTC

Mandatory ROTC, a program that has been implemented in various countries worldwide, has been met with both enthusiasm and apprehension. The goal is to instill discipline, leadership, and a sense of duty among the youth while creating a substantial reserve force ready to defend the nation when called upon. The Philippines, recognizing the importance of […]

China’s Disinformation Campaign Against Taiwan: A Threat to Stability

China’s campaign serves several strategic objectives. First, it seeks to undermine Taiwanese identity and reinforce the “One China” policy. By saturating Taiwanese media and online spaces with content supportive of Chinese reunification, Beijing hopes to erode the distinct Taiwanese identity. Second, it aims to influence Taiwan’s democratic processes, primarily elections. False information and character attacks […]

Taliban Looks to China for Help as it Eyes US Mass Plan for Afghanistan

In the wake of the U.S. withdrawal, the Taliban confronted immediate and pressing issues. Foremost among these was the urgent need to provide governance, public services, and economic stability to a nation ravaged by years of conflict. Afghanistan’s economy had been heavily dependent on international aid, which was abruptly cut off as Western nations disassociated […]

Nepal PM Declines to Endorse Xi’s Security Doctrine During China Visit

The visit to China by the Nepalese Prime Minister held immense significance, given the deep-rooted cultural and economic ties between the two countries. However, the key highlight of the visit was Nepal’s refusal to back China’s security doctrine, which places paramount importance on national security and sovereignty being controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). […]

China-Pakistan Relations: A Cooling Honeymoon? Beijing’s Stance on Energy, Water, and Climate Cooperation

China and Pakistan have shared a strong alliance for decades. This relationship has seen significant economic investments, particularly under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. China has invested heavily in Pakistan’s infrastructure, including roads, ports, and power generation, as part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This collaboration was viewed as a cornerstone of […]