China has Reopened to Tourists. The Hard Part is Getting There

China's tourism industry is rebounding as the country's success in controlling the spread of COVID-19 has led to a lifting of restrictions on domestic travel. According to a report by the China Tourism Academy, the recent Qingming Festival holiday saw over 200 million domestic tourist trips, surpassing pre-pandemic levels and generating over $12 billion in tourism-related spending.

This resurgence in domestic tourism is a much-needed boost to China’s economic recovery, particularly in the hospitality and transportation sectors. It has also led to an increase in job opportunities in the tourism industry, providing employment opportunities for those affected by the pandemic. However, the industry still faces challenges due to ongoing international travel restrictions […]

Asylum Seekers from Chinese Church to Arrive in Dallas-Fort Worth After Years in Exile

The arrival of these asylum seekers from the Early Rain Covenant Church in China is a reminder of the ongoing religious persecution faced by Christians and other religious minorities in China. It also highlights the important role that local communities can play in supporting refugees and asylum seekers, and the United States' commitment to defending the universal right to worship without fear or intimidation.

A group of around 20 asylum seekers from the Early Rain Covenant Church in China is set to arrive in Dallas-Fort Worth in the coming weeks. These individuals have been granted asylum in the United States after fleeing religious persecution in China, where the government has been cracking down on unregistered Christian churches. The Early […]

China Challenges US Restrictions on Chip Imports, Requests WTO Review

China has requested a review by the World Trade Organization (WTO) of the United States' restrictions on chip imports, escalating tensions between the two countries.

The restrictions prevent Chinese companies such as Huawei and Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) from purchasing chips from American suppliers, citing national security concerns. China alleges that the US has violated WTO rules by imposing these restrictions, prompting the WTO review. As the world’s largest consumer of semiconductors, China relies heavily on chip imports, and […]

China’s Cities are Buried in Debt, But They Keep Shoveling It

China's local governments have been taking on increasing levels of debt to fund infrastructure projects and development initiatives, despite concerns over the sustainability of the country's debt levels. According to a report by the National Institution for Finance and Development, local government debt in China has reached 51.4 trillion yuan ($7.9 trillion), equivalent to around 89% of GDP.

This situation raises concerns over financial instability and potential defaults in the future. While the Chinese government has been working to reform local government financing, progress has been slow, and many local governments continue to borrow heavily. Despite the risks, some analysts argue that China’s unique political and economic system may help to mitigate the […]

China Implements Crackdown on High Bride Prices to Curb Financial Burdens on Young Couples

China is cracking down on high bride prices, a traditional practice that has been escalating in recent years. The government's move is aimed at curbing financial burdens on young couples, which have been fueled by rising property prices and other economic pressures. The crackdown on bride prices is part of a broader effort by the Chinese government to address social and economic issues, such as the aging population and a shrinking workforce.

Bride prices in some parts of China can reach tens of thousands or even millions of yuan, putting significant financial strain on families. The practice has also contributed to gender imbalances, as some families prioritize having sons who can fetch higher bride prices. Under the new rules, local authorities will set maximum limits on bride […]

Protests in China Over COVID Restrictions and Security Measures: A Reminder of China’s Massive Surveillance

As China continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, protests have emerged across the country over government-imposed restrictions and security measures.

The protests, which have taken place in various cities, have been sparked by a range of issues, including mandatory vaccination requirements, strict lockdown measures, and increased surveillance and security measures in public places. China is known for its massive surveillance system, which is among the most extensive in the world. The government has been using […]

President Xi Jinping has been making a series of moves to consolidate his power and tighten his grip on the country

As China's Communist Party Congress approaches, President Xi Jinping has been making a series of moves to consolidate his power and tighten his grip on the country. Xi has been promoting loyalists and cracking down on dissent, signaling a renewed commitment to maintaining control over the country's political, economic, and social spheres.

Xi has made it clear that he views the upcoming Congress as a critical moment for China, saying that it will be a time for the party to “unite and forge ahead” to overcome the country’s challenges and ensure its continued rise as a global superpower. However, this message is being interpreted by some as […]

Chinese President Xi Jinping Secures Third Term

Chinese President Xi Jinping has solidified his power by appointing a new inner circle of party officials during the recent Communist Party congress. The move paves the way for a potential third term in office, giving him even greater control over China's future.

Xi’s appointments to the Politburo Standing Committee and the Central Military Commission include loyalists who share his vision of a stronger China. Chen Min’er, a rising star who is seen as a possible successor to Xi, is among those selected for the powerful positions. These loyalists are expected to continue Xi’s efforts to strengthen the […]

105-Year-Old Party Elder Sends Blunt Message to Xi: Will He Listen?

A 105-year-old Communist Party elder sends a blunt message to Xi Jinping. Will the Chinese president heed his words?

As China’s Communist Party congress approaches, a 105-year-old party elder has sent a blunt message to Chinese President Xi Jinping. The message comes amid speculation about Xi’s plans for his third term in office and the future direction of China. In his message, the party elder, Li Rui, warned against the dangers of one-man rule […]

China’s Youth Unemployment Rate on the Rise: Experts Call for Action

According to recent reports, China's youth unemployment rate has been steadily increasing over the past few years, raising concerns among experts and policymakers. The country's economy has been shifting away from labor-intensive industries, which traditionally provided employment opportunities for young workers, towards more high-tech and service-oriented industries that require specialized skills.

According to recent reports, China’s youth unemployment rate has been steadily increasing over the past few years, raising concerns among experts and policymakers. The country’s economy has been shifting away from labor-intensive industries, which traditionally provided employment opportunities for young workers, towards more high-tech and service-oriented industries that require specialized skills. As a result, many […]