China’s Two-Child Policy is Running Out of Gas

China's population control policies have undergone significant shifts over the years, transitioning from the notorious one-child policy, which lasted for over three decades, to the two-child policy in 2016, and more recently, to a three-child policy in 2021. However, the transition from one-child to two-child policy has encountered various challenges and raised questions about its effectiveness. The two-child policy, designed to address demographic concerns and promote population growth, is showing signs of faltering as it faces a complex web of demographic, economic, and societal issues.

The one-child policy, initially implemented in 1979, was aimed at controlling China’s population growth. While it did help in controlling population growth, it also led to significant demographic imbalances, including an aging population and a gender imbalance. The transition to a two-child policy in 2016 was seen as a positive step, but it seems to […]

Births in China Slide 10% to Hit Their Lowest on Record

China, the most populous country in the world, is facing a demographic challenge of unprecedented proportions as its birthrate continues to plummet, reaching a record low. The latest data reveals a 10% decline in the number of births, raising concerns about the long-term implications for the country's economy, society, and healthcare system.

China’s demographic landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, largely due to a combination of factors. Historically, the Chinese government enforced a strict one-child policy to control population growth. While this policy has been relaxed in recent years, the effects of decades of population control are now coming to the forefront. The most recent data from […]

China Remakes Religions in its Own Image

China’s religious landscape boasts a rich history of coexisting beliefs that have shaped the nation’s cultural and spiritual identity for centuries. However, with the rise of communism in the mid-20th century, religious institutions faced increasing scrutiny and restrictions. During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), places of worship were often destroyed, religious leaders persecuted, and practices discouraged. […]

Chow Yun-fat Laments Chinese Censorship at Film Festival

Iconic actor Chow Yun-fat, known for his roles in classics like "Hard-Boiled" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," recently made headlines at a prestigious international film festival. His comments about Chinese censorship in the film industry brought attention to a longstanding issue that affects creativity, artistry, and freedom of expression.

Chow Yun-fat, a Hong Kong actor, is celebrated not only for his immense talent but also for his charismatic on-screen presence. With a career spanning several decades, he has been a key figure in the success of numerous iconic films. He has garnered a global fan base and earned respect for his dedication to his […]

A Refuge from China’s Rat Race: The Young People Flocking to Buddhist Monasteries

In the hustle and bustle of modern China, where urbanization and economic growth have become the norm, a unique trend is emerging: a growing number of young people are seeking refuge from the pressures of the "rat race" by turning to the peaceful and contemplative world of Buddhist monasteries. This intriguing movement reflects a desire for balance, mindfulness, and a deeper connection with the self in a society marked by fast-paced change.

China’s rapid economic development has brought with it increased competition, long working hours, and the stress of city life. Many young Chinese individuals, particularly those born in the post-reform era, are feeling the weight of these pressures. This has led them to explore alternative paths to happiness and fulfillment. Buddhism, with its emphasis on inner […]

If Xi Jinping’ Hong Kong goons don’t ease up and free Jimmy Lai, China’s economy faces even rougher waters

The name Jimmy Lai has become synonymous with the ongoing struggle for democracy and freedom of expression in Hong Kong. As a prominent media mogul and pro-democracy activist, Lai's arrest in 2020 symbolized the Chinese government's crackdown on dissent in the semi-autonomous region. His case highlights the broader challenges facing China's economy and its global standing.

Lai’s arrest and subsequent imprisonment drew international attention and condemnation, raising concerns about the erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy. China’s introduction of the National Security Law, under which Lai was arrested, has had a chilling effect on political activism, journalism, and freedom of speech in Hong Kong. This has not only damaged Hong Kong’s reputation […]

Peak China: A Rising Superpower and Its Peak Danger

China, often referred to as the "Middle Kingdom," is a nation with a rich history and a bright future. For the past few decades, it has experienced rapid economic growth, transforming itself into a global superpower. However, there is a growing concern about the concept of "Peak China," which suggests that this meteoric rise might reach a plateau or even a decline. While it is essential to avoid overly alarmist perspectives, examining the potential implications of Peak China is a matter of global significance.

China’s rise as an economic and political powerhouse has been nothing short of extraordinary. It has become the world’s second-largest economy, lifted hundreds of millions of its citizens out of poverty, and expanded its influence internationally. Its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has created trade and infrastructure links across Asia, Africa, and Europe, cementing its […]

Communist Rappers are Luring China’s Disgruntled Youth

China, a nation with a rich history and a rapidly evolving society, is witnessing an unusual cultural phenomenon - the rise of Communist rappers. In a country known for its stringent censorship and control over artistic expression, these artists are using their music to connect with and engage the nation's youth, including those who may feel disenchanted with societal norms and expectations.

While hip-hop and rap music have traditionally been associated with Western cultures, they have found a unique home in China. Communist rappers are a subversive and intriguing force within this genre, using their music to convey social and political messages aligned with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ideology. At a time when the government is […]

Why Xi Jinping Doesn’t Trust His Own Military

Historical precedents play a significant role in shaping Xi’s apprehension towards the military. China’s history is marked by instances of military insubordination, coups, and internal dissent. During the tumultuous Cultural Revolution, the PLA developed an independent power base, fostering mistrust among the party leadership. These historical lessons make Xi cautious about empowering the PLA too […]