Philippines and Vietnam Work Towards Agreement on West Philippine Sea Entry

Discover the latest developments in the ongoing efforts between the Philippines and Vietnam to establish an agreement concerning the entry of Vietnamese vessels into the West Philippine Sea (WPS). This article highlights the significance of this cooperative endeavor and its impact on regional relations and trade partnerships.

The collaborative efforts between the Philippines and Vietnam to establish an agreement on West Philippine Sea entry signify the commitment of both nations towards regional stability and prosperous trade relations. By addressing incidents, enhancing trade partnerships, and advocating for each other’s interests, the Philippines and Vietnam aim to foster a strengthened alliance that benefits their […]

New stand-off between Vietnamese and Chinese ships reported in South China Sea

Chinese social media account South China Sea Wave said in a WeChat post on Sunday that more than a dozen vessels were involved in the encounter, which was triggered by an internal notice from the Vietnamese authorities saying they would expand the drilling programme at Block 05-1A near Vanguard Bank this month.

Chinese and Vietnamese vessels have been involved in a new confrontation in a disputed part of the South China Sea after Hanoi tried to expand oil drilling operations in the area, according to social media reports. Neither country has confirmed the encounters, which indicates that both sides are trying to avoid further escalation, according to […]

Philippine Coast Guard Installs Navigational Buoys in West Philippine Sea

In a significant move to assert sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has recently installed navigational buoys. The strategic placement of these buoys, bearing the Philippine flag, aims to reinforce the country's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and demonstrate its commitment to maritime border protection, resource preservation, and safe trade. Let's delve into the details of this noteworthy development.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has taken a significant step towards asserting sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) by installing navigational buoys. These buoys, featuring the Philippine flag, strategically mark critical areas including Patag Island, Balagtas Reef, Kota Island, Panata Island, and Juan Felipe Reef. The installation, carried out from May 10 to 12, […]

Canada and UK Express Concern Over China’s Aggression in West Philippine Sea

Canada and the United Kingdom have expressed concern over the recent incident in the West Philippine Sea, as China continues to assert its territorial claims and engage in aggressive behavior in the region.

In a recent incident in the West Philippine Sea, Chinese vessels chased and fired warning shots at a civilian vessel carrying journalists and Filipino officials near the Ayungin Shoal. This incident has sparked concern from Canada and the United Kingdom, who have called for all parties to refrain from actions that could escalate tensions in […]

US-Philippines Summit in 2023 to Boost Business Engagement and Military Enhancements

The US-Philippines summit is set to strengthen ties between the two nations through enhanced business engagement and military cooperation.

The United States and the Philippines are set to deepen their ties through an upcoming summit, with a focus on strengthening business engagement and military enhancements. As the Philippines’ largest trading partner, the United States is expected to increase its investment in the country, with a particular focus on the technology and energy sectors. The […]

China Backs Down: Diplomatic Tensions Ease in the West Philippine Sea

On April 16, China announced that it would be withdrawing its fishing fleet from the West Philippine Sea, putting an end to a recent diplomatic row between China and the Philippines. Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian stated that the vessels had completed their fishing activities and would be returning to China. This move has been welcomed by both the Philippine and Chinese governments, with both sides expressing their commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

The dispute began in early March when over 200 Chinese vessels were spotted in the West Philippine Sea, an area within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and also claimed by China. The Philippine government demanded that the vessels leave the area, accusing China of violating Philippine sovereignty and territorial rights. The presence of the […]

PCG: Over 100 Chinese vessels spotted in West Philippine Sea

Over 100 Chinese vessels were recently spotted in the West Philippine Sea, according to a report by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG). The Chinese vessels were seen swarming the Julian Felipe Reef, which is located within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The incident has raised concerns about China's territorial ambitions and potential threats to regional security and environmental sustainability.

The West Philippine Sea is a disputed area in the South China Sea, where several countries, including the Philippines and China, have overlapping claims of sovereignty. China’s activities in the area, including the building of artificial islands and militarization of the region, have been a source of tension between the two countries in recent years. […]

Coast Guard: China’s aggressive tactics in West Philippine Sea reported to task force

The Philippine government has filed diplomatic protests against China's actions and has called for a peaceful resolution to the dispute based on international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). However, China has rejected the Philippines' claims and has continued to assert its territorial claims in the area.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has reported that China’s aggressive tactics in the West Philippine Sea have posed a threat to the safety of Philippine personnel and impeded the country’s legitimate activities in its exclusive economic zone. According to the PCG, Chinese vessels have been conducting “shadowing, blocking, and swarming maneuvers” against Philippine vessels and […]

Tense face-off: Philippines confronts China over sea claims

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has issued a strong response to Chinese vessels encroaching on Philippine waters in the South China Sea. In a statement from the Philippine military, Chinese vessels have been seen in the Julian Felipe Reef, which is within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone, since March 7. The Philippines has filed a diplomatic protest against China over the incursion.

The South China Sea is an area of ongoing territorial disputes and control of strategic waterways. China has claimed sovereignty over most of the South China Sea, which is also claimed in part by Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The conflict has led to increased military activity and tension in the region. In […]

The Maritime Bedrock of the US- Philippines Alliance- Analysis

The United States-Philippines alliance is built on a foundation of maritime security cooperation, as both nations share a common interest in safeguarding their territorial waters and exclusive economic zones. The partnership has been key in maintaining regional stability and security, especially given China's increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea.

The Philippines has taken significant steps to modernize its naval and coast guard capabilities with assistance from the U.S., including the acquisition of new patrol vessels, aircraft, and radar systems. Joint training exercises and information sharing have also been crucial in bolstering maritime security. This article argues that maritime cooperation is the cornerstone of the […]