Chinese Carrier Recently Sailed Near Guam, Enters South China Sea

The Liaoning, China's first aircraft carrier, was commissioned in 2012 and has been a point of pride for the Chinese military ever since. Its recent voyage near the Philippines is the latest example of China's increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea, where it has been building up artificial islands and fortifying them with military installations.

China claims sovereignty over most of the South China Sea, despite competing claims from the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. The area is rich in natural resources, including oil and gas reserves, and is a vital shipping route for global trade. The Liaoning’s presence in the region is likely to be seen as a […]

Filipino Scientists Report Harassment by Chinese Vessels in the West Philippine Sea

Filipino scientists conducting research in the West Philippine Sea have reported being repeatedly harassed by Chinese vessels, according to a recent report by ABS-CBN News. The scientists were aboard a Philippine government ocean research vessel conducting a marine survey when the Chinese vessels challenged them, shining spotlights on them and using water cannon to douse them with water.

This is not the first incident of Chinese vessels harassing Filipino scientists in the West Philippine Sea. In 2019, Chinese vessels surrounded a Philippine research vessel, preventing it from conducting its research operations. The harassment of Filipino scientists in the West Philippine Sea is a violation of international law and Philippine sovereignty, as the Philippines […]

Philippine Foreign Secretary Denounces China’s Claims in the South China Sea as Inconsistent with International Law

In a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. reiterated the Philippines' commitment to upholding international law and denounced China's claims in the South China Sea as inconsistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Locsin emphasized that the arbitral tribunal’s 2016 ruling, which invalidated China’s expansive claims over the disputed waters, was “non-negotiable” and that China’s stance on the matter was “without basis in international law.” He called for all nations to respect UNCLOS and the arbitral tribunal’s ruling, and for a peaceful resolution to the territorial dispute through […]

Arbitral Award and UNCLOS Vital for Unlocking Philippines’ Marine Resources

The Philippines' marine resources have immense potential for economic growth, but utilizing them effectively depends on upholding the country's maritime rights in line with the Arbitral Award and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). According to Secretary Ramon Lopez of the Department of Trade and Industry, the Philippines must assert its rights under these agreements to maximize the benefits of its marine resources.

The Arbitral Award, issued in 2016 by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, invalidated China’s claims to nearly all of the South China Sea, including the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. UNCLOS, meanwhile, is a treaty that sets out the legal framework for the use of oceans and their resources. Secretary Lopez emphasized that the Philippines has […]

Explosion Heard in Pag-asa Island Following Philippines-China Sea Encounter

An explosion was reportedly heard in Pag-asa Island, a disputed territory in the South China Sea claimed by both the Philippines and China, following an encounter between the two countries near Scarborough Shoal. According to local authorities, the incident has raised concerns about ongoing territorial disputes in the region.

The Philippines and China have been engaged in a long-standing territorial dispute in the South China Sea, with China claiming nearly the entire sea, including islands and reefs that are also claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei. The Philippines has taken the dispute to an international tribunal, which ruled in its favor in […]

US dismisses China’s protest on freedom of navigation in South China Sea

The United States has dismissed China's protest regarding its freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea, citing the operations' objective of ensuring stability and prosperity in the region. The US Navy recently conducted an operation in the West Philippine Sea, which is claimed by China as part of its territory.

China has repeatedly protested the presence of US military vessels in the South China Sea, asserting that these operations violate its sovereignty. However, the US argues that these operations are aimed at ensuring freedom of navigation in international waters. The US Navy’s operation in the West Philippine Sea is part of its broader effort to […]

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has expressed interest in procuring more ships from Japan

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has expressed interest in procuring more ships from Japan to enhance their existing assets, the BRP Teresa Magbanua (MRRV-9701) and BRP Melchora Aquino (MRRV-9702). This plan was discussed during a meeting with Admiral Artemio Abu, PCG Commandant, and delegates from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Embassy. […]

US warship cruises near China outpost in West Philippine Sea

A US warship recently sailed near a Chinese outpost in the West Philippine Sea in what is seen as a show of force by the US to assert its freedom of navigation rights in the disputed waters. According to reports, the USS Curtis Wilbur, a guided-missile destroyer, conducted the operation within 12 nautical miles of a Chinese installation on Mischief Reef, which China claims as part of its territory.

The West Philippine Sea is a hotly contested area that is also claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan due to its abundance of natural resources, including oil and gas. China has been increasingly assertive in its territorial claims in the region, and the US has been conducting freedom of navigation operations to […]

China ‘gravely concerned, strongly disapproves’ US-PH stance on South China Sea

The Philippine Foreign Affairs Department has raised concerns about the ongoing presence of Chinese vessels in the West Philippine Sea, amid rising tensions between China and the Philippines, as well as the United States. The Philippine government has lodged diplomatic protests against China regarding its presence in the disputed waters, and continues to defend the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity through peaceful means.

The United States and the Philippines recently conducted joint military exercises in the South China Sea, aimed at strengthening their military alliance and sending a message to China. These exercises took place as tensions between China and several Southeast Asian nations, including the Philippines, continue to escalate over territorial disputes in the South China Sea. […]

Sea power is essential to countering communist China

The growing military expansion and aggressive policies of China in the South China Sea have become a major concern for the United States and its allies in the region. To counter this threat, the US Navy has prioritized the development of its sea power capabilities, which are essential for maintaining a strong presence in the Pacific and deterring China's belligerent behavior.

The US Navy’s modernization efforts include the development of advanced surface vessels, submarines, and aircraft carriers, as well as investments in unmanned systems and cyber capabilities. These initiatives are seen as crucial to maintaining the US’ strategic advantage over China, as they allow the US Navy to respond more effectively to China’s rapidly growing military […]