Trudeau’s Climate Change Demands in Light of China’s Reliance on Coal

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been advocating for climate change policies and demanding climate sacrifice from Canadians. However, the author of this article published in the National Post points out that China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, continues to burn coal with abandon. Despite international pressure to curb its carbon emissions, China […]

India overtakes China to become world’s most populous country

According to a recent report by the United Nations, India has surpassed China to become the world's most populous country, with significant implications for both countries and the rest of the world.

India has recently overtaken China to become the world’s most populous country, with a population of 1.68 billion compared to China’s 1.4 billion, according to a report by the United Nations. The rapid population growth of India poses significant challenges for the country, particularly in terms of providing adequate resources and infrastructure to meet the […]

Biden Warns North Korea A Nuclear Attack Would Mean End of Regime

South Korean President Moon Jae-in met with US President Joe Biden at the White House on Friday to discuss the denuclearization of North Korea and strengthen their bilateral alliance. The meeting comes at a time of increasing geopolitical tensions in the region, with China's growing assertiveness and North Korea's continued nuclear ambitions posing significant challenges for the United States and its allies.

During their meeting, Biden and Moon reaffirmed their commitment to achieving the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and building a peaceful and prosperous future for the region. They also discussed ways to coordinate their efforts to address North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs, which have been a source of tension and instability in […]

Xi’s Charm Offensive Falters After China Envoy Angers Europe

A video has surfaced of a Chinese national accused of operating secret police stations in the United States, mingling with prominent politicians, including Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Adams. The individual was arrested by the FBI last week for his alleged involvement in the operation of several Chinese police stations in the country.

The video, which was taken at a campaign event in New York City in 2022, shows the suspect standing near Schumer and Adams. Additionally, he was captured attending a fundraiser for a New York City mayoral candidate, where he took photos with various influential figures in attendance. These events have caused concern among US officials, […]

Who Owns America: Why Chinese Land Purchases Near US Bases Have National Security Experts Concerned

The British government is under scrutiny amid mounting allegations of Chinese infiltration in London's Chinatown. The controversy centers around a Chinese police station located in the heart of Chinatown, staffed by Chinese police officers, that has been accused of monitoring dissidents and conducting espionage activities. While officials have denied any wrongdoing, the allegations have raised concerns about the potential abuse of the station and the UK's relationship with China.

The Chinese police station was established as part of a law enforcement cooperation agreement between China and the UK, aimed at tackling crime and terrorism. However, critics have raised concerns about the station’s activities and its potential to target individuals critical of the Chinese government, including activists and dissidents. There are also accusations that the […]

British Government Fends Off Growing Concern Over Chinese Infiltration in London

The European Union (EU) is considering a diplomatic outreach to four key partners in Africa – Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa, and Kenya – to counter the growing influence of Russia and China in the region. The outreach would aim to promote shared values and interests and create stronger economic and political ties between the EU and these countries.

According to sources, the EU is concerned about the increasing involvement of Russia and China in Africa, particularly in areas such as infrastructure development, natural resources, and arms sales. The EU sees these activities as part of a broader strategy by Russia and China to expand their global influence and undermine Western democracies. To counter […]

UN Rights Expert Urges China to Review, Reconsider Hong Kong’s National Security Law

A United Nations human rights panel has released a report calling for the repeal of Hong Kong's controversial national security law, which was introduced by China last year. The UN Human Rights Committee stated that the law is "incompatible with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights," to which China is a signatory.

The national security law was passed in June 2020 and criminalizes acts of secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion with foreign forces, with sentences of up to life in prison. Critics of the law argue that it has been used to suppress political dissent in Hong Kong and erode the city’s autonomy. The UN report has […]

Maritime Conflict Heats Up as China’s Fishing Fleet Goes Dark in Argentine Waters

Tensions are escalating in the South Atlantic as Argentina reports that more than 100 Chinese fishing vessels have gone dark in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The disappearance of these vessels has raised concerns about illegal fishing and the impact on the region's marine ecosystem.

Argentina has long struggled to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in its waters, with Chinese fleets often at the center of the controversy. In 2016, Argentina seized a Chinese vessel and its crew for fishing illegally within its EEZ, and since then, it has increased its efforts to monitor and control fishing in […]

Sierra Leonean Families Starving as Chinese Trawlers’ Industrial Over-fishing Destroys Lives

Industrial overfishing by Chinese trawlers is wreaking havoc on the coastal communities of Sierra Leone, leaving families starving and without income. Local fishermen say they are losing their livelihoods to Chinese trawlers that operate in Sierra Leonean waters with little oversight or regulation. This article highlights the devastating impact of overfishing and its long-term consequences.

The practice of industrial over-fishing involves using large fleets of fishing vessels to extract large quantities of fish from the ocean. This type of fishing can be unsustainable and damaging to ecosystems, leading to declines in fish populations and disrupting local fishing industries. The Sierra Leonean coastline has some of the most productive fishing grounds […]

China’s Rapidly Expanding Fishing Fleet Raises Concerns About Illegal Practices and Environmental Sustainability in South America

China's rapidly expanding fishing fleet is causing concern about illegal fishing practices and environmental sustainability, particularly in South America. According to a recent report by The New York Times, China's fishing operations in the region have grown significantly in recent years, with potential impact on marine ecosystems and local communities.

As the world’s largest fishing nation, China has been expanding its fishing fleet in response to growing demand for seafood and a lack of access to domestic fisheries. Chinese fishing vessels have been venturing into the waters off South America to meet this demand, and have been accused of overfishing, using illegal fishing methods, and […]