Former US Marine Faces Court for Allegedly Training Chinese Crew Without Permission

Stuart Beeby, a former US Marine, is facing charges for allegedly training Chinese crew members, including those of a Chinese warship, without permission from the US government. Beeby reportedly provided navigation, seamanship, and gunnery skills training to Chinese crew members while working as a security contractor for a US defense contractor between 2016 and 2018.

Beeby’s case is a significant development in the context of US-China relations, which have been fraught with tensions in recent years, particularly in the area of defense and security. The US has accused China of engaging in military aggression in the South China Sea and of conducting cyber espionage, while China has accused the US […]

Biden’s Trade Chief Says US Working with Allies to Counter China

The US is working with its allies to counter China's economic influence, according to Katherine Tai, the U.S. trade representative. Tai spoke about the US-China trade relationship during a virtual event hosted by the Asia Society Policy Institute, emphasizing the importance of working with other countries to establish rules and norms that can serve as a counterbalance to China's influence.

Tai acknowledged the difficulties in dealing with China’s economic power and its state-backed enterprises, but stressed the importance of cooperation and collaboration to address the challenges. She stated that the US and its allies need to “work together in a way that is strategic and focused” to counter China’s actions. Tai also highlighted the US’s […]

Xi Jinping Launches Charm Offensive to Repair China’s Image

In the wake of a wave of global criticism over China's human rights record, Xi Jinping has launched a charm offensive to repair the country's image. The Chinese president is looking to portray the country as a responsible and reliable partner to the world, while also trying to assuage concerns over China's military and economic power.

Xi’s campaign includes a series of high-profile speeches and visits, as well as an increased emphasis on China’s commitment to multilateralism and global cooperation. He has also sought to promote China’s “soft power” by highlighting the country’s cultural and economic achievements, such as its Belt and Road Initiative and its role in the global fight […]

China’s Arming of Russia Would Significantly Harm Relationship with EU, von der Leyen Warns in Brussels Speech

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has issued a warning to China over its arms sales to Russia. Speaking in Brussels, von der Leyen said that China's decision to supply advanced military equipment to Russia could damage its relationship with the European Union.

China has become one of Russia’s key arms suppliers in recent years, with exports ranging from small arms to advanced missile defense systems. This has raised concerns in Europe and the US, where policymakers worry that Russia’s acquisition of advanced Chinese military technology could alter the balance of power in regions like Eastern Europe and […]

EU Mulls Diplomatic Reach-Out to Sway Four Key Partners Away from Russia, China

China's President Xi Jinping has been working to expand the country's influence in Europe as part of his global strategy to counterbalance the United States. However, a recent diplomatic incident involving China's ambassador to France has caused a backlash against China in Europe and highlighted the challenges China faces in winning over European leaders and citizens.

In an op-ed published in a French newspaper, China’s ambassador to France, Lu Shaye, criticized Western attitudes towards China and accused French lawmakers of being “anti-China.” This caused swift condemnation from French officials, who accused Lu of meddling in France’s internal affairs and undermining the principles of free speech and democracy. The incident has drawn […]

Video Shows Suspect Accuse of Operating Secret Chinese Police Stations Mingling with Schumer, Adams

A video has surfaced of a Chinese national accused of operating secret police stations in the United States, mingling with prominent politicians, including Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Adams. The individual was arrested by the FBI last week for his alleged involvement in the operation of several Chinese police stations in the country.

The video, which was taken at a campaign event in New York City in 2022, shows the suspect standing near Schumer and Adams. Additionally, he was captured attending a fundraiser for a New York City mayoral candidate, where he took photos with various influential figures in attendance. These events have caused concern among US officials, […]

Germany’s foreign minister: Parts of China trip ‘more than shocking’

Annalena Baerbock, co-leader of Germany's Green Party and candidate for chancellor, recently criticized China's human rights record during a trip to the country. In an interview with Bild am Sonntag, Baerbock expressed concern about China's treatment of its Muslim minority population and its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. She also highlighted China's use of facial recognition technology and monitoring of citizens' online activity.

Baerbock’s comments come amid growing international concern about China’s assertiveness on the global stage and its human rights record. The European Union and the United States have both imposed sanctions on China over its treatment of the Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang. Despite her criticisms, Baerbock emphasized the importance of dialogue with China on issues […]

Surveillance Fears as China Resumes Construction on Fifth Antarctic Base

China has completed construction of its fourth Antarctic research station, named Taishan, on Inexpressible Island in the Ross Sea region. The new facility has a total floor area of 4,200 square meters and can accommodate up to 80 people, making it one of the largest research stations in Antarctica.

Taishan is equipped with cutting-edge equipment, including a remote sensing antenna, a supercomputer, and an underground laboratory. The station will enable China to conduct year-round research in the region, with a focus on geology, meteorology, and space science. China’s growing presence in Antarctica has raised concerns among some countries about territorial disputes and environmental damage. […]

China’s ‘Divide and Conquer’ Tactics in Europe Raise Concerns

China is facing criticism for its "divide and conquer" tactics in Europe, which involve offering financial incentives to individual countries while attempting to weaken the collective bargaining power of the European Union. Experts warn that China's strategy seeks to exploit internal divisions within Europe to promote its own interests, potentially leading to a weakening of European unity.

The concerns come as China seeks to expand its influence in Europe, particularly through its Belt and Road Initiative, a massive infrastructure project aimed at linking Asia, Europe, and Africa. Critics argue that the initiative is designed to increase China’s economic and political power at the expense of other countries. Several European countries have already […]

MPs urge Government to take action against ‘Chinese police stations’ in the UK

The Chinese government is facing criticism for allegedly using bullying tactics against British lawmakers who have spoken out against human rights abuses in China. Conservative MP Chris Philp accused the Chinese embassy of attempting to intimidate him and other members of Parliament after they criticized China's treatment of the Uighur Muslim minority.

The allegations against the Chinese government come amid growing international concern about human rights abuses in China, particularly in the Xinjiang region where the Uighur minority is concentrated. The Chinese government has been accused of detaining over a million Uighurs in so-called “re-education” camps, where they are reportedly subjected to torture, forced labor, and other […]