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China Says the Best Way to De-Risk is to Restore Stability with the US

- September 1, 2023
China Says the Best Way to De-Risk is to Restore Stability with the US

The relationship between the United States and China is characterized by a unique blend of cooperation and competition, often referred to as “co-opetition.” This intricate dynamic extends its influence across various domains, from economics to geopolitics and technology. Such interdependence brings with it significant consequences for the global stage. Any disruptions in this relationship can send shockwaves through the global economy, disrupting trade, investments, and market stability. Geopolitically, a rise in tensions between these two powers could lead to instability in regions like the Asia-Pacific, with ripple effects on global security. Furthermore, both nations are leaders in technology and innovation, and collaborative efforts in research and development can significantly advance global progress in fields such as renewable energy, healthcare, and artificial intelligence.

China’s perspective on de-risking the global landscape by restoring stability in its relationship with the United States is influenced by several key considerations. Firstly, China aims for economic predictability to sustain its growth and development. Volatile trade relations can disrupt supply chains, impair economic growth, and erode investor confidence. Secondly, China seeks to enhance its global image as a responsible international stakeholder. By promoting stability in Sino-American relations, China can position itself as a proactive contributor to global peace and prosperity, further enhancing its diplomatic standing. Thirdly, China is increasingly engaged in multilateral forums and international institutions. Improved relations with the United States can facilitate cooperation on global challenges, such as climate change, public health crises, and poverty alleviation. Finally, by restoring stability, both nations can effectively mitigate the risk of misunderstandings that might lead to unintended escalations or conflicts.

Restoring stability in Sino-American relations offers a multitude of benefits. A stable relationship enhances economic resilience by allowing businesses to plan for the long term, reducing trade uncertainty, and encouraging investment. Moreover, it paves the way for increased collaboration on global issues, such as climate change, pandemic response, and poverty reduction. Joint efforts in the technology sector can drive innovation, creating opportunities for breakthroughs in emerging fields. Most crucially, a stable relationship reduces the likelihood of military conflicts, which could have devastating consequences, not only for the involved parties but also for global security.