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China vows to retaliate if US continues case against police officers accused of targeting dissidents in America

- May 4, 2023
China vows to retaliate if US continues case against police officers
China has vowed to retaliate against the United States if it continues to interfere in China's internal affairs. The statement was made in response to the US Senate's passage of a bill aimed at addressing competition with China. This tension comes amidst already strained relations between the two countries, with disputes over issues ranging from trade and technology to human rights and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The US-China rivalry continues to escalate, with concerns about the potential for a new Cold War. The bill, approved with bipartisan support, includes provisions related to technology, trade, and human rights issues. It aims to strengthen the US’s economic and national security posture in the face of China’s rise as a global superpower.

China’s foreign ministry spokesperson accused the US of attempting to contain China’s development and hegemonize the world. He also warned that China would take necessary measures to protect its sovereignty, security, and development interests.

The US has accused China of engaging in unfair trade practices, intellectual property theft, and cyber-espionage. It has also criticized China’s treatment of its Uighur Muslim minority and its crackdown on pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong.

As the US-China rivalry continues to intensify, there are concerns about the potential for a new Cold War. Both countries have significant economic, military, and technological power, and any conflict between them could have significant global implications.

The passage of the US Senate bill aimed at addressing competition with China has further escalated tensions between the two countries. China has vowed to retaliate against the US, accusing it of attempting to contain China’s development and hegemonize the world. As the US-China rivalry continues to intensify, the potential for a new Cold War looms, with significant implications for global stability and security.