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China’s Lending Practices Are Not a Good Look

- April 19, 2023
China’s Lending Practices Are Not a Good Look
China's increasing influence over the International Monetary Fund (IMF) through its participation in IMF lending programs is a cause for concern, according to an op-ed in The New York Times. The op-ed argues that China's participation in IMF lending programs has been accompanied by efforts to expand its influence in the IMF and weaken the influence of traditional Western powers like the United States.

Examples of China’s influence in the IMF include its involvement in efforts to reform the IMF’s governance structure and voting rights system and the recent decision to include the Chinese yuan in the IMF’s basket of reserve currencies, which gave China greater clout in the global financial system. China has also been accused of using its participation in IMF programs to advance its own economic and strategic interests.

The op-ed calls on Western powers to take a more assertive approach to China’s involvement in the IMF, including holding China accountable for its actions and working to limit its influence in the organization. The op-ed warns that China’s growing influence in the IMF could undermine global financial stability and democratic values.

China’s growing influence in the IMF through its participation in lending programs is a cause for concern, and Western powers should take a more assertive approach to safeguard global financial stability and democratic values. China’s efforts to expand its influence in the IMF and use its participation in IMF programs to advance its own interests should be carefully monitored and countered to ensure the IMF remains a fair and impartial organization.