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China’s Proposed Radar Base in Sri Lanka Raises Concerns Over India’s Naval Assets

- April 7, 2023
China's Proposed Radar Base in Sri Lanka Raises Concerns Over India's Naval Assets
China's proposed construction of a radar base in Sri Lanka has raised concerns among India's defense analysts over potential threats to India's naval assets in the Indian Ocean. The proposed radar base, which will be built in the southern district of Hambantota, is part of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), through which it has already established a significant presence in Sri Lanka.

According to reports, the radar base will enable China to monitor India’s naval activities in the Indian Ocean, which could pose a significant threat to India’s national security interests. India has been seeking to strengthen its naval presence in the region, including through the establishment of military bases in the Indian Ocean, and China’s increasing influence in the region has posed a significant challenge to India’s efforts.

The Indian government has reportedly raised concerns with Sri Lanka over the proposed radar base and has urged the Sri Lankan government to be cautious about its ties with China. India and China have long been involved in a power struggle in the Indian Ocean region, which is strategically significant due to its vast oil and gas reserves, as well as its critical sea lanes of communication.

China has been investing heavily in Sri Lanka through BRI infrastructure development projects, such as the construction of a deep-water port in Hambantota. However, Sri Lanka has struggled to repay the loans it has taken from China, leading to concerns over China’s “debt trap diplomacy” in the region.

The proposed radar base in Sri Lanka is likely to further escalate tensions between India and China in the region, and could lead to increased military buildup and surveillance activities by both countries. Sri Lanka’s balancing act between its ties with China and India will be crucial to maintaining stability in the region.

In addition to India’s concerns, the United States has also expressed worries over China’s increasing presence in Sri Lanka and other countries in the region. The US has been seeking to strengthen its strategic partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region, including with India and other countries, to counter China’s growing influence.

China’s proposed radar base in Sri Lanka is likely to raise concerns over India’s naval assets in the Indian Ocean, and could escalate tensions between India and China in the region. Sri Lanka’s balancing act between its ties with China and India will be crucial to maintaining stability in the region, and the US’s efforts to strengthen strategic partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region will play a significant role in countering China’s growing influence.