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China’s Sinopec and CNOOC to Invest in Iran’s Khuzestan Province

- May 4, 2023
China's Sinopec and CNOOC to Invest in Iran's Khuzestan Province
Chinese companies Sinopec and CNOOC are set to invest in Iran's Khuzestan province, boosting the country's energy sector and strengthening China-Iran ties.

It was announced that China’s Sinopec and China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) will be investing in Iran’s Khuzestan province, known for its rich oil and gas reserves.

The Chinese ambassador to Iran, Chang Hua, praised the strong ties between China and Iran and affirmed that the investment in Khuzestan is a testament to their partnership.

Khuzestan, located in southwestern Iran, is a significant province in terms of oil production and petrochemical manufacturing. The investment by Sinopec and CNOOC comes at a critical time for Iran as the country aims to attract foreign investment and increase oil production, while being subject to economic sanctions.

China has been a key trade partner for Iran and has invested in several Iranian energy projects over the years, despite the sanctions. The investment by Sinopec and CNOOC is a clear indication of China’s commitment to its partnership with Iran and the country’s potential to offer profitable investment opportunities.

This investment is expected to provide a much-needed boost to the Iranian economy, as well as strengthen the relationship between China and Iran. As both countries continue to grow and collaborate, it is likely that we will see more exciting developments in the energy sector between these two global players.