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China’s Submarine Activities in the Bay of Bengal: Considerations for India – Analysis

- August 31, 2023
China’s Submarine Activities in the Bay of Bengal: Considerations for India – Analysis

Over the past decade, China has significantly upgraded its submarine capabilities, both quantitatively and qualitatively, making the Bay of Bengal a critical arena for its maritime ambitions. This modernization forms part of China’s broader maritime strategy, aimed at securing its interests and challenging regional rivals, including India.

India views China’s expanding submarine activities in the Bay of Bengal as a grave security concern. The Chinese Navy’s submarine operations in this region pose a direct threat to India’s maritime security and the unhindered movement of its naval assets.

The Bay of Bengal is a crucial transit route for global trade, with the Strait of Malacca being one of the world’s most vital chokepoints. China’s submarine presence raises concerns about the potential disruption or control of these crucial trade routes, which could have far-reaching effects on India’s trade and energy security.

China’s submarine deployments in the Bay of Bengal are seen as part of a larger strategy to encircle India. By establishing a naval presence in the Indian Ocean, China seeks to exert influence in India’s immediate maritime neighborhood.

The presence of Chinese submarines in the region has led to diplomatic tensions between India and China. These tensions have the potential to spill over into other areas, impacting bilateral relations and regional stability.

China’s submarine activities underscore the urgency for India to modernize its naval capabilities, particularly in anti-submarine warfare technologies. Developing a robust maritime strategy is essential to counter potential threats effectively.

China’s submarine activities in the Bay of Bengal carry significant implications for India’s national security and the stability of the broader Indo-Pacific region. India must respond by enhancing its naval capabilities, fostering strategic alliances with regional actors, and advocating for the adherence to international maritime laws and norms. Striking a delicate balance between competition and cooperation with China is vital to ensure regional stability and safeguard India’s maritime interests in the Bay of Bengal.

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