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China’s Unrivaled Coast Guard: Seeking Supremacy in Asian Seas

- June 12, 2023
China's Unrivaled Coast Guard: Seeking Supremacy in Asian Seas
China's pursuit of maritime dominance in the Asian seas has taken a significant leap forward with the creation of an unparalleled Coast Guard force. As tensions simmer and territorial disputes persist, China's strategic move to consolidate its maritime forces has sparked concerns and debates among neighboring countries and international observers.

China aims to protect its vast territorial and maritime claims, driven by a long coastline and reliance on overseas trade. Control over critical sea lanes and resource-rich waters, like the South China Sea and East China Sea, not only safeguards China’s economic interests but also enhances its geopolitical standing on the global stage.

In 2018, China merged multiple maritime enforcement agencies to form the China Coast Guard (CCG). This consolidation aimed to streamline operations, enhance coordination, and optimize China’s maritime law enforcement capabilities. The CCG emerged as the largest coast guard force globally, with an estimated fleet size exceeding 130 advanced vessels and an array of surveillance and firepower capabilities.

China’s Coast Guard serves as a critical instrument of maritime assertiveness in territorial disputes. By patrolling contested waters, such as the South China Sea’s disputed islands, the CCG asserts China’s territorial claims and strengthens its control. This assertiveness has strained relations with neighboring countries, raising concerns over potential conflicts and regional destabilization.

The rise of China’s Coast Guard has significant implications for regional security and stability. Its unmatched scale and capabilities provide China with a substantial advantage in maritime disputes, potentially tipping the balance of power. The presence of heavily armed CCG vessels heightens concerns about conflicts’ escalation and the militarization of disputed waters, prompting neighboring countries and international stakeholders to closely monitor China’s actions.

Amidst the expansion of China’s Coast Guard, finding avenues for constructive engagement and diplomacy is crucial. Open dialogue, adherence to international law, and peaceful dispute resolution mechanisms are essential for mitigating tensions and fostering regional cooperation. Strengthening multilateral frameworks, like the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and engaging in dialogues with regional powers can pave the way for a peaceful and rules-based maritime order in Asia.

China’s creation of an unparalleled Coast Guard signifies its unwavering commitment to securing its maritime interests and asserting dominance in the Asian seas. The unmatched scale and capabilities of the China Coast Guard present challenges and opportunities for regional security. Constructive dialogue, adherence to international norms, and multilateral cooperation are vital for navigating complexities and ensuring a stable and peaceful maritime environment for all stakeholders in the region.