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Countering China: Japan, America, and Australia Collaborate on $95M Pacific Cable

- June 10, 2023
Countering China: Japan, America, and Australia Collaborate on $95M Pacific Cable
Japan, the United States, and Australia have united to construct a $95 million submarine fiber optic cable, the Pacific Light Cable Network (PLCN), to counter China's expanding influence in the Asia-Pacific region.

China’s growing influence and assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region have raised concerns among neighboring countries. In response, Japan, the United States, and Australia have recognized the need for a collaborative approach to counterbalance China’s dominance. By pooling resources and expertise, these countries aim to strengthen alliances and create a resilient alternative to China’s expanding influence.

The $95 million PLCN project will span 8,000 miles, connecting Los Angeles, Sydney, and Tokyo. It promises high-speed connectivity and increased data transfer capacity, fostering communication and cooperation in various sectors. Additionally, this submarine fiber optic cable offers substantial economic benefits by facilitating increased trade, investment, and economic integration among the participating nations.

The PLCN project also emphasizes the importance of security and resilience in the region. By providing a secure and reliable alternative to existing undersea cables, it reduces the risk of disruptions caused by natural disasters or sabotage. Diversifying telecommunications networks enhances the countries’ ability to counter potential threats and maintain vital communication channels.

The collaboration on PLCN carries geopolitical implications as well. It sends a clear signal about the participating countries’ commitment to preserving a free and open Indo-Pacific region. The project strengthens bilateral relationships and acts as a deterrent to China’s attempts to expand its influence over critical communication infrastructure. It underscores the significance of maintaining a rules-based order and promoting transparency in regional connectivity projects.

While the PLCN project holds immense promise, it may face challenges, including technical complexities and the need to balance the interests of multiple stakeholders. Nevertheless, the joint effort by Japan, the United States, and Australia demonstrates a strategic response to China’s influence. It aims to foster economic growth, enhance security, and maintain a resilient and transparent regional connectivity network.