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Family: Chinese Journalist Faces Espionage Charges

- April 25, 2023
Chinese Journalist Faces Espionage Charges
The family of Chinese citizen journalist, Zhang Zhan, is calling for her immediate release and for the authorities to drop espionage charges against her. Zhang has been detained since May 2020 after reporting on the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan.

Zhang, a former lawyer who turned to citizen journalism, had been posting videos and articles on social media platforms about the pandemic. In December 2020, she was sentenced to four years in prison on charges of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” and spreading false information. According to Zhang’s family, she has been subjected to torture and force-feeding while in detention.

Recently, it was reported that Zhang is also facing espionage charges, which carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. The charges relate to her alleged contacts with foreign journalists and her reporting on the pandemic in Wuhan.

Zhang’s family argues that she was exercising her right to freedom of expression and that her reporting on the pandemic was in the public interest. They are urging the Chinese authorities to drop all charges against her and release her immediately.

Zhang’s case has drawn international attention and condemnation from human rights groups. The Committee to Protect Journalists has called on the Chinese authorities to respect the right to freedom of expression and release Zhang immediately and unconditionally.

The Chinese government has been criticized for its crackdown on journalists and citizen journalists who report on sensitive issues, including the pandemic and human rights abuses. The government has defended its actions as necessary to maintain social stability and national security.

The detention and charges against Zhang highlight the challenges faced by journalists and citizen journalists in China who seek to report on sensitive issues. The international community has called on the Chinese authorities to respect the right to freedom of expression and release Zhang immediately.

As a result, Zhang’s case has become a symbol of the ongoing struggle for freedom of the press in China. It also underscores the need for journalists and citizen journalists to be protected and allowed to report on sensitive issues without fear of persecution.

The detention and charges against Zhang Zhan serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by journalists and citizen journalists in China. The international community must continue to press the Chinese authorities to respect the right to freedom of expression and protect those who seek to report on sensitive issues. It is only through such efforts that we can ensure a free and open society, where the press is able to hold those in power accountable