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German Business Groups Call for Renegotiation of EU-China Investment Agreement Over Human Rights Concerns

- April 24, 2023
German Business Groups Call for Renegotiation of EU-China Investment Agreement Over Human Rights Concerns
The German government has not yet taken a position on the call for renegotiation, but the EU Parliament has already frozen the ratification of the agreement until China lifts sanctions on EU officials. The decision was made in response to China's sanctions on several EU officials and think tanks over their criticism of China's human rights record.

German business groups are calling for a renegotiation of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI), citing concerns over China’s human rights record and lack of progress on labor and environmental standards. The agreement, which was signed in December 2020, aims to improve market access for European companies in China and promote fair competition.

However, critics argue that the deal does not do enough to address China’s human rights abuses, including its treatment of the Uighur minority in Xinjiang and its crackdown on democracy in Hong Kong. The controversy surrounding the agreement has raised questions about the balance between economic interests and human rights and democratic values.

The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the German Chamber of Commerce in China are among the groups calling for a renegotiation of the agreement. They argue that the EU should not prioritize economic interests over human rights and democratic values, and that the CAI should include enforceable provisions on labor and environmental standards.

China, for its part, has rejected calls for renegotiation and has accused the EU of being hypocritical, citing its own record on human rights and environmental standards. It has also warned that the CAI will not be implemented until the ratification process is completed by all EU member states.

The controversy surrounding the CAI highlights the challenges of balancing economic interests with human rights and democratic values. It also comes amid growing concerns over China’s increasing assertiveness in its foreign policy and its human rights record.

The EU has been seeking to adopt a more assertive approach to China, with a focus on promoting a level playing field for European businesses and protecting its strategic interests. It has also been strengthening its economic and security ties with other Asian countries, including Japan and South Korea.

German business groups are calling for a renegotiation of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment over human rights concerns. The controversy surrounding the agreement highlights the challenges of balancing economic interests with human rights and democratic values. The EU’s response to the CAI is part of its wider efforts to adopt a more assertive approach to China and strengthen its economic and security ties with other Asian countries.