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Hong Kong’s Past is Being Forgotten

- April 25, 2023
Hong Kong’s Memory is Being Erased
Hong Kong, with its rich history and cultural heritage, is facing a significant challenge to its collective memory, with the erasure of historical landmarks and the rewriting of its past becoming increasingly common. As a city that has been shaped by different cultures, Hong Kong has a unique identity that is being threatened by the destruction of its landmarks and the rewriting of its history.

The demolition and alteration of iconic landmarks in Hong Kong, with little regard for their historical significance, is a growing trend that has sparked protests among Hong Kong residents. One notable example is the demolition of the historic State Theatre in 2016, which was replaced with a commercial building. The State Theatre had been an iconic landmark in the city since the 1950s, and its destruction eroded the city’s cultural heritage.

In addition to the physical erasure of landmarks, Hong Kong’s history is also being rewritten, with textbooks and curricula being altered to reflect a more pro-China narrative. This has caused concern among Hong Kong residents who fear that their culture and history are being suppressed in favor of a more homogenized Chinese identity. The recent renaming of the Jordan MTR station to “Amoy” station is a prime example of how historical identity is being erased.

The erasure of Hong Kong’s memory is not just a local issue, but a reflection of a larger trend of authoritarianism and suppression of dissent in China. As China’s influence in the region grows, it is increasingly important to preserve Hong Kong’s history and culture in the face of this threat. It is imperative to ensure that Hong Kong remains a vibrant and diverse city that celebrates its unique identity, shaped by its diverse history and culture.

To preserve Hong Kong’s history and cultural identity, it is essential that Hong Kong residents and the international community work together to protect and promote the city’s heritage. This can be done by documenting and preserving the city’s landmarks and promoting education about Hong Kong’s history and culture. It is also important to resist efforts to rewrite history and to speak out against the erasure of Hong Kong’s identity.

The erasure of Hong Kong’s memory is a significant challenge that requires urgent attention. Preserving Hong Kong’s cultural heritage and history is vital for the city’s identity and should be a priority for both the local and international communities. By protecting and promoting Hong Kong’s history and culture, we can ensure that the city remains a vibrant and diverse place for generations to come.