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India raises concerns over Chinese spy post on remote Myanmar island

- April 24, 2023
India raises concerns over Chinese spy post on remote Myanmar island
India has reportedly confronted Myanmar over a Chinese-built observation post on an island in the Bay of Bengal, which it claims could be used for spying. The post is located on Coco Island, which is around 18 km from India's Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

India has expressed concerns about the potential security threat posed by the observation post to its naval assets and security interests in the region.

The Indian government reportedly raised the issue with the Myanmar government during a meeting between the two countries’ foreign and defence ministers in New Delhi. The Indian delegation is said to have asked Myanmar to explain the purpose of the observation post and to assure that it would not be used for any nefarious purposes against India or other countries in the region.

The Coco Island observation post is one of several facilities China has built or upgraded in the region, including a port in Pakistan and a naval base in Djibouti. China has invested heavily in infrastructure projects in Myanmar, including the development of a deep-sea port at Kyaukpyu in the western state of Rakhine.

India has been keeping a close eye on China’s expanding influence in the region, particularly in Myanmar, where it has long had strategic interests. The country has been trying to counter China’s influence through investments in infrastructure projects, such as the Kaladan multi-modal transit transport project, which connects the eastern Indian seaport of Kolkata with the Sittwe port in Myanmar.

Myanmar has maintained that the Coco Island observation post is being used for weather monitoring and not for spying. However, India remains concerned about China’s growing presence in the region and the potential security threat it poses to its interests.

The issue underscores the growing rivalry between India and China in the Bay of Bengal region, which is seen as a strategic gateway to Southeast Asia. The region is also home to vital shipping lanes and rich fishing grounds, making it an important geopolitical prize for both countries.

Overall, India’s concerns over the Chinese-built observation post on Coco Island reflect the broader tensions between the two countries in the Bay of Bengal region. While Myanmar has maintained that the facility is only being used for weather monitoring, India remains vigilant and has called on Myanmar to ensure that it is not being used for any malicious purposes. The situation highlights the ongoing competition between India and China for influence in the region and the potential for further tensions to arise.