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Marcos to Raise Chinese Incursions and 10-Dash Line Map in ASEAN Summit

- September 4, 2023
Marcos to Raise Chinese Incursions and 10-Dash Line Map in ASEAN Summit

The South China Sea is a strategically vital waterway, rich in resources and a major trade route. However, it is also a region of overlapping territorial claims involving China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. China’s expansive territorial claims have raised concerns about its intentions in the area.

China’s controversial maritime claims have historically been depicted by the “Nine-Dash Line” map, a vague and ambiguous demarcation that encircles almost the entire South China Sea. This map has been widely criticized for its lack of legal basis and its potential to disrupt regional stability. However, in recent years, it has been reported that China may have expanded its claims to a “Ten-Dash Line,” further intensifying tensions in the region.

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has assumed a more assertive stance on the South China Sea dispute compared to his predecessors. He has repeatedly expressed his commitment to defending the Philippines’ territorial integrity and sovereignty. In the ASEAN Summit, Marcos is expected to raise concerns about Chinese incursions and the alarming expansion of the Dash Line map.

Marcos’ approach to the South China Sea dispute and the 10-Dash Line map is significant not only for the Philippines but also for the entire ASEAN region. ASEAN, as a regional bloc, has been striving to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea through diplomacy and dialogue. Marcos’ stance could influence ASEAN’s collective approach to the issue. It remains to be seen whether his more assertive position will resonate with other member states or create divisions within the group.

The South China Sea dispute has garnered attention from major global powers, including the United States. The U.S. has consistently expressed concerns about China’s maritime claims and has sought to uphold international law in the region. Marcos’ approach could influence the dynamics of the Philippines’ relationship with the U.S. and other global stakeholders in the South China Sea dispute.

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s decision to raise concerns about Chinese incursions and the 10-Dash Line map at the ASEAN Summit reflects the gravity of the South China Sea dispute and its implications for regional and global geopolitics. His stance could shape the Philippines’ role in addressing this complex issue and influence ASEAN’s approach to maintaining peace and stability in the region. As the summit unfolds, the world will be watching closely to see how these discussions impact the future of the South China Sea dispute and the broader landscape of international relations in Asia.

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