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President Bongbong Marcos Urges Government Agencies to Ensure Filipinos’ Safety in War-Torn Israel

- October 9, 2023
President Bongbong Marcos Urges Government Agencies to Ensure Filipinos' Safety in War-Torn Israel

The situation in Israel, particularly in areas like Gaza, has been marked by longstanding tensions and conflicts. Civilians in the region, including foreign nationals, often find themselves at risk due to the volatile nature of the situation. President Bongbong Marcos, cognizant of the Filipino diaspora living and working in Israel, wasted no time in directing government agencies, particularly the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the Philippine Embassy in Tel Aviv, to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of Filipinos in the region.

This call for action included providing timely updates and guidance to Filipinos living in affected areas, facilitating their safe evacuation when necessary, and offering consular assistance to those in need. The President emphasized the importance of cooperation with international bodies and organizations to achieve these objectives, underlining the administration’s commitment to safeguarding the interests and welfare of Filipino citizens, both at home and abroad.

While addressing the safety of Filipino nationals in the conflict zone, President Marcos was unwavering in his condemnation of the violence that has plagued the region for far too long. He expressed deep sympathy for all those affected by the ongoing hostilities, including innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. The President stressed the importance of dialogue and peaceful resolutions to conflicts, urging all parties involved to pursue diplomatic solutions that can bring about lasting peace and stability in the region.

This condemnation of violence aligns with the Philippines’ longstanding commitment to the principles of international law, peaceful coexistence, and the pursuit of a world free from conflict. President Bongbong Marcos’ message of peace and security reflects the nation’s desire to play a constructive role in the global community and to stand in solidarity with those affected by conflict, regardless of their nationality.

President Bongbong Marcos’ proactive response to the safety concerns of Filipinos in war-torn Israel underscores the importance of prioritizing the well-being of citizens abroad. His unwavering condemnation of violence and call for peaceful solutions serves as a testament to the Philippines’ commitment to global peace and stability. In these challenging times, it is imperative that nations come together to protect the lives of their citizens and advocate for a world where peace and diplomacy prevail over conflict and hostility.