China Bans Book About the Early History of the Mongolian People: What it Means for History and Free Expression

“The Early History of the Mongolian People,” authored by historian Dr. Li Wei, is at the center of this controversy. The book presents a scholarly examination of the ancient history of the Mongolian people, drawing from archaeological findings, historical texts, and academic research to provide a comprehensive account of their early civilization. While the Chinese […]

Hong Kong Bureaucrats Don’t Make Good Authoritarians

To understand the role of bureaucrats in Hong Kong’s evolving political landscape, it’s essential to consider the historical context. For over 150 years, Hong Kong was a British colony known for its robust rule of law, freedom of expression, and capitalist economic policies. This unique blend of Eastern and Western influences helped Hong Kong flourish […]

L’affaire Shangfu: A Hole In China’s Arms Capability And The Party’s Unity Façade – Analysis

The Shangfu scandal revolves around allegations of corruption and mismanagement within China’s defense industry. Shangfu, a state-owned enterprise responsible for advanced military equipment production, has been a cornerstone of China’s military modernization. Yet, accusations of embezzlement, substandard practices, and bribery involving high-ranking military officials have sullied its reputation, raising serious questions about China’s arms capability. […]

Macron is Pushing Europe into a $900 Billion Fight with China

One fundamental concern is Europe’s growing economic dependence on China. While China has become a critical trading partner, this reliance has raised concerns about the compromise of European economic sovereignty. Additionally, the issue of human rights violations in China, especially the treatment of Uighur Muslims and the situation in Hong Kong, has sparked ethical concerns […]

Taliban Looks to China for Help as it Eyes US Mass Plan for Afghanistan

In the wake of the U.S. withdrawal, the Taliban confronted immediate and pressing issues. Foremost among these was the urgent need to provide governance, public services, and economic stability to a nation ravaged by years of conflict. Afghanistan’s economy had been heavily dependent on international aid, which was abruptly cut off as Western nations disassociated […]

Nepal PM Declines to Endorse Xi’s Security Doctrine During China Visit

The visit to China by the Nepalese Prime Minister held immense significance, given the deep-rooted cultural and economic ties between the two countries. However, the key highlight of the visit was Nepal’s refusal to back China’s security doctrine, which places paramount importance on national security and sovereignty being controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). […]

China-Pakistan Relations: A Cooling Honeymoon? Beijing’s Stance on Energy, Water, and Climate Cooperation

China and Pakistan have shared a strong alliance for decades. This relationship has seen significant economic investments, particularly under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. China has invested heavily in Pakistan’s infrastructure, including roads, ports, and power generation, as part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This collaboration was viewed as a cornerstone of […]

India, Not China, Best Suited to Lead the Developing World: Top Diplomat

One of the most significant distinctions between India and China is their political systems. India stands as the world’s largest democracy, with a robust and vibrant electoral process. This democratic ethos promotes pluralism, inclusivity, and respect for human rights. In contrast, China maintains a one-party system that lacks the same level of political openness and […]

PNOC sees high production rate from new Malampaya wells

With the expansion of the Malampaya field, the PNOC aims to maintain and potentially increase natural gas production. These new wells are strategically positioned to access untapped gas reserves, ensuring a sustainable supply of clean energy for the Philippines. This move aligns with the nation’s long-term energy goals and will contribute to reducing dependence on […]

DFA: Several Countries Vow Support for the Philippines’ UN Security Council Membership

The Philippines’ aspiration to serve on the UNSC is a testament to its commitment to addressing complex global issues, including conflict resolution, peacekeeping, and humanitarian efforts. The UNSC plays a pivotal role in maintaining international peace and security, making membership on this prestigious body highly sought-after. Numerous countries have expressed their support for the Philippines’ […]