Philippine and Canadian Navies Sail Together in the South China Sea: Strengthening Partnerships and Ensuring Regional Stability

The Philippines and Canada may be geographically distant, but they share a common interest in upholding the principles of international law and ensuring the safety and security of maritime trade routes. The South China Sea is a crucial international waterway through which a significant portion of global trade flows. Any disruption in this area could […]

Why China Would be Hard-Pressed to Target US Aircraft Carriers in a Pacific War

US aircraft carriers are far from sitting ducks; they come equipped with a formidable array of defensive measures. These include advanced radar systems, anti-aircraft missiles, and close-in weapon systems capable of detecting and engaging incoming threats. Moreover, aircraft carriers are typically accompanied by a fleet of other warships, such as destroyers and cruisers, which provide […]

China Sparks Fury with ‘Floating Barrier’ in South China Sea

China’s recent deployment of a ‘floating barrier’ in the South China Sea has intensified longstanding international concerns regarding its activities in the region. This move is the latest development in the complex and contentious issue of territorial claims and resource exploitation in the South China Sea, a vital waterway through which a significant portion of […]

India Opens a New Front in its Corridor War with China

The India-China Corridor War is essentially a competition for influence and control over critical transportation routes and infrastructure projects. These corridors serve as arteries for economic growth and military mobility, making them invaluable assets for any nation. While there are multiple corridors in play, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has emerged as a focal point. […]

Upgrade of Subic Port to Boost Trade and Tourism

With a history dating back to the Spanish colonial era, Subic Port has always been strategically located. It served as a vital trading and naval outpost, later becoming a United States naval base until 1992. Since its conversion into a free port and special economic zone, Subic Bay has attracted businesses, investments, and tourists alike. […]

China Sentences Uyghur Scholar to Life in Jail: A Disturbing Crackdown on Intellectual Freedom

The Uyghurs are a Turkic ethnic group primarily residing in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China. Over the past several years, there have been disturbing reports of mass detentions, forced labor, forced assimilation, and other human rights violations against the Uyghur population. These allegations have drawn condemnation from governments and organizations worldwide. One […]

PH Condemns ‘Floating Barrier’ in South China Sea

The South China Sea is a strategically important body of water, bordered by several Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. China has claimed vast portions of this sea, demarcated by its ‘nine-dash line,’ which encompasses nearly 90% of the waterway. These claims overlap with those of other countries, leading to […]

Chinese Developer Faces Third NYC Foreclosure in Recent Months

The developer in question, which had once made headlines for its ambitious projects and deep pockets, is now grappling with a series of foreclosures that have sent shockwaves through the real estate community. These foreclosures involve prime properties in coveted locations across New York City, signaling a significant shift in the city’s real estate dynamics. […]

China Increases Localization of Chipmaking Tools, But Still Lags Behind

Chipmaking tools constitute the uncelebrated heroes of the semiconductor industry, encompassing various machines and equipment used in microchip fabrication. These tools are indispensable in producing smaller, faster, and more powerful chips. China’s push for localization in chipmaking tools aligns with a broader strategy focused on achieving technological self-sufficiency and bolstering its semiconductor sector. This drive […]

PH Accuses China’s Shadowy Maritime Militia of Destroying Coral Reefs in South China Sea

Coral reefs are often dubbed the “rainforests of the sea” due to their astounding biodiversity and crucial role in sustaining marine life. These underwater marvels serve as habitats and sustenance for countless species while playing a pivotal part in the ocean’s intricate food chain. Moreover, they provide coastal protection against storms and contribute significantly to […]