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Sea power is essential to countering communist China

- April 11, 2023
Sea power is essential to countering communist China
The growing military expansion and aggressive policies of China in the South China Sea have become a major concern for the United States and its allies in the region. To counter this threat, the US Navy has prioritized the development of its sea power capabilities, which are essential for maintaining a strong presence in the Pacific and deterring China's belligerent behavior.

The US Navy’s modernization efforts include the development of advanced surface vessels, submarines, and aircraft carriers, as well as investments in unmanned systems and cyber capabilities. These initiatives are seen as crucial to maintaining the US’ strategic advantage over China, as they allow the US Navy to respond more effectively to China’s rapidly growing military capabilities.

In addition to modernizing its own naval capabilities, the US is also focused on building partnerships with regional allies. The US has been working closely with Japan, South Korea, and other nations to promote cooperation in maritime security, including joint military exercises and intelligence sharing.

Moreover, the US is actively engaged in enhancing the capacity of regional navies to promote maritime stability and deter potential aggression. Through programs such as the Maritime Security Initiative and the Southeast Asia Maritime Security Initiative, the US provides training, equipment, and technical assistance to partner nations to improve their maritime capabilities.

In conclusion, sea power is critical to countering China’s growing military capabilities and maintaining stability in the Pacific region. The US Navy’s ongoing modernization efforts and partnerships with regional allies demonstrate its commitment to promoting maritime security and ensuring a free and open Indo-Pacific.