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Singapore Expresses Concern over Rising Tensions in the South China Sea

- May 4, 2023
Singapore Expresses Concern over Rising Tensions in the South China Sea
Singapore has expressed its deep concern over rising tensions in the South China Sea, calling for restraint and peaceful resolution of disputes in the region.

Singapore, a small island nation with no claims in the South China Sea, has traditionally maintained good relations with China. However, the recent tensions in the region have raised concerns about the potential impact on Singapore’s economy and security. In a statement released on Sunday, the city-state’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called for all parties to abide by international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized the importance of maintaining the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, a critical shipping lane for global trade. The statement also noted that Singapore supports the negotiations between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China on a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. The Code of Conduct is intended to manage and prevent disputes in the region and to promote peaceful resolution of conflicts.

But Singapore is not sitting idly by as tensions rise in the South China Sea. The city-state has voiced its grave concerns and called for restraint, emphasizing the need for peaceful resolution of disputes in the region. With its strategic location and bustling economy, Singapore cannot afford to let tensions escalate and disrupt the critical shipping lanes that pass through the South China Sea.

Singapore’s statement is a bold move in a region where tensions are high and the stakes are even higher. The city-state has made it clear that it will not stand by and watch as the situation deteriorates. As the world watches and waits to see how the situation in the South China Sea will unfold, Singapore’s call for peace and restraint is a much-needed reminder of the importance of upholding international law and promoting cooperation.