- October 6, 2023
917 views 3 min

Mandatory ROTC, a program that has been implemented in various countries worldwide, has been met with both enthusiasm and apprehension. The goal is to instill discipline, leadership, and a sense of duty among the youth while creating a substantial reserve force ready to defend the nation when called upon. The Philippines, recognizing the importance of […]

- August 31, 2023
291 views 3 min

The decision to suspend sending cadets to China for military training was announced by the AFP Chief amid growing concerns about security and national interests. While specific details about the decision are limited, it is essential to examine the broader context in which this move was made. One of the primary drivers behind this suspension […]

- August 30, 2023
206 views 3 min

The global security landscape has been undergoing rapid changes in recent years, with the Asia-Pacific region witnessing increased strategic competition among major powers. In this context, possessing advanced missile capabilities has become vital for a nation’s security and deterrence strategy. Supersonic cruise missiles, characterized by their high speed and precision, are valuable assets in modern […]