- September 25, 2023
369 views 3 min

US aircraft carriers are far from sitting ducks; they come equipped with a formidable array of defensive measures. These include advanced radar systems, anti-aircraft missiles, and close-in weapon systems capable of detecting and engaging incoming threats. Moreover, aircraft carriers are typically accompanied by a fleet of other warships, such as destroyers and cruisers, which provide […]

- September 25, 2023
305 views 3 min

China’s recent deployment of a ‘floating barrier’ in the South China Sea has intensified longstanding international concerns regarding its activities in the region. This move is the latest development in the complex and contentious issue of territorial claims and resource exploitation in the South China Sea, a vital waterway through which a significant portion of […]

- September 25, 2023
163 views 3 min

The India-China Corridor War is essentially a competition for influence and control over critical transportation routes and infrastructure projects. These corridors serve as arteries for economic growth and military mobility, making them invaluable assets for any nation. While there are multiple corridors in play, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has emerged as a focal point. […]

- September 24, 2023
641 views 3 min

The Uyghurs are a Turkic ethnic group primarily residing in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in northwest China. Over the past several years, there have been disturbing reports of mass detentions, forced labor, forced assimilation, and other human rights violations against the Uyghur population. These allegations have drawn condemnation from governments and organizations worldwide. One […]

- September 23, 2023
127 views 3 min

The developer in question, which had once made headlines for its ambitious projects and deep pockets, is now grappling with a series of foreclosures that have sent shockwaves through the real estate community. These foreclosures involve prime properties in coveted locations across New York City, signaling a significant shift in the city’s real estate dynamics. […]

- September 23, 2023
169 views 4 min

Coral reefs are often dubbed the “rainforests of the sea” due to their astounding biodiversity and crucial role in sustaining marine life. These underwater marvels serve as habitats and sustenance for countless species while playing a pivotal part in the ocean’s intricate food chain. Moreover, they provide coastal protection against storms and contribute significantly to […]

- September 23, 2023
186 views 3 min

Participating in international sporting events is a significant milestone for athletes. It not only showcases their talent on a global platform but also fosters cultural exchange and understanding. However, for Indian athletes heading to China, visa-related hurdles have posed a considerable challenge. Over the years, athletes, coaches, and officials have encountered delays and rejections in […]

- September 23, 2023
853 views 2 min

One of the principal drivers behind this rush to sell is the evolving stance of the Chinese government. To restrict capital outflows and reduce financial risks, the Chinese government has enforced stricter regulations on overseas investments. These regulations encompass limitations on foreign real estate acquisitions, making it increasingly challenging for Chinese investors to move their […]

- September 22, 2023
91 views 3 min

Panganiban, also referred to as Mischief Reef, is an underwater feature situated within the South China Sea. It lies roughly 129 nautical miles from the Philippine island of Palawan, unquestionably within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ) according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). China’s actions at Panganiban, where […]

- September 22, 2023
142 views 3 min

The Arunachal Pradesh region, known as the “Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains,” is a diverse and culturally rich part of India. However, China claims this region as part of its territory, calling it South Tibet. This territorial dispute has been a long-standing issue between the two Asian giants, dating back to the early 20th century. […]