- September 21, 2023
1,187 views 2 min

The strengthening of defense cooperation will encompass multiple facets. Counterterrorism stands out as a prominent area of concern, as both nations recognize the menace posed by extremist groups. Their commitment to countering radicalization will involve sharing intelligence and implementing best practices in combating terrorism. Furthermore, the geographical locations of both nations emphasize the importance of […]

- September 20, 2023
1,372 views 2 min

Australia and the Philippines have a shared history of collaboration, particularly in defense. They have been consistent allies in regional security initiatives, cooperating on diverse issues, including counter-terrorism and disaster relief. This renewed emphasis on deepening ties between the Australian Defense College and the Philippines underscores the enduring partnership between the two countries. The decision […]

- September 19, 2023
110 views 2 min

The South China Sea has long been a source of territorial disputes, with multiple countries, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan, asserting territorial claims in the region. These disputes have escalated over the years, driven by the strategic importance of the South China Sea for trade routes, fisheries, and potential energy resources. […]

- September 18, 2023
246 views 4 min

The South China Sea has a history of territorial disputes dating back centuries, but the contemporary struggle can be traced to the mid-20th century. In 1947, the Republic of China (ROC) released a map known as the “Nine-Dash Line,” which claimed almost the entire South China Sea as its territory. After the Chinese Civil War, […]

- September 12, 2023
1,786 views 2 min

The one-child policy, implemented in 1979 and relaxed to a two-child policy in 2015, has left a lasting impact on the mindset of many Chinese couples. Smaller family sizes have become culturally accepted and, in many cases, preferred. This legacy, in part, contributes to China’s low fertility rates today. The increasing cost of living, especially […]

- September 12, 2023
596 views 2 min

Xi Jinping’s presidency has been marked by a notable return to traditional Chinese culture and values as a source of political legitimacy. Contrasting with the pragmatic approaches of some predecessors, Xi emphasizes the importance of these traditions in China’s rejuvenation on the global stage. One of Xi Jinping’s central concepts is the “Chinese Dream,” which […]

- September 10, 2023
548 views 2 min

Xi Jinping has emerged as one of the most dominant leaders in recent Chinese history. Since ascending to power in 2012, he has systematically consolidated his authority, centralizing decision-making processes within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and reducing the influence of other party leaders. This consolidation has extended to various aspects of Chinese governance, including […]

- September 9, 2023
286 views 2 min

This legislation introduces several significant provisions. Firstly, it establishes a comprehensive system for identifying and categorizing foreign government-owned assets situated in China. These assets encompass a wide spectrum, including properties, land holdings, and infrastructure, all either operated or owned by foreign governments or their affiliated entities. Secondly, the law outlines precise procedures for dispute resolution […]

- September 7, 2023
274 views 3 min

Conventional wisdom suggests that a declining great power would generally be less inclined to engage in aggressive international behavior. The logic behind this is that a nation grappling with internal issues such as economic woes or political instability would likely be preoccupied with addressing domestic problems rather than pursuing external conflicts. However, China’s case presents […]

- September 7, 2023
134 views 5 min

China’s rapid economic growth over the past few decades has been nothing short of remarkable. Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, the country has continued to modernize and expand its influence on the global stage. However, as the saying goes, “all that glitters is not gold.” While China’s economic rise has been impressive, it […]