- August 28, 2023
115 views 3 min

China’s economic growth, initially driven by market-oriented reforms and increased foreign investments, catapulted it into the status of the “world’s factory.” It rapidly became a manufacturing hub and initiated massive infrastructure projects, all of which formed the bedrock of its economic prowess. Yet, the recent tide of economic troubles casts a shadow over this ascent. […]

- August 27, 2023
124 views 3 min

At the heart of China’s economic woes lies a complex interplay of factors. Foremost among them are trade tensions. Prolonged disputes with the United States, punctuated by tit-for-tat tariffs, have disrupted global supply chains. This ongoing instability has left investors and businesses grappling with uncertainty, casting a shadow over China’s economic prospects. Demographic shifts further […]

- August 27, 2023
109 views 4 min

Russia, a pioneer in space exploration since the dawn of the space age, has reaffirmed its commitment to push the boundaries of human achievement in space. In a statement that echoed the audacity of the 1960s space race, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced an ambitious plan to conquer new frontiers. He outlined a vision that […]

- August 27, 2023
110 views 3 min

Recent reports have highlighted a growing concern: the harassment and intimidation of family members of pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. These actions, allegedly perpetrated by individuals and groups with ties to Beijing, have included doxxing, cyberbullying, and public smearing campaigns against these family members. Such tactics have ignited outrage both locally and internationally, as they […]

- August 27, 2023
121 views 4 min

The joint military exercises carried out by the United States, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines in the South China Sea have drawn international attention. The South China Sea, a region rich in natural resources and a crucial shipping route, has been a subject of territorial disputes involving several countries, including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and […]

- August 26, 2023
98 views 3 min

The 19th-century Opium Wars were about trade imbalances, national sovereignty, and the impact of foreign influence. Similarly, the ‘Third Opium War’ is centered around the control of information, data, and technological dominance. China has risen as a global tech powerhouse, with companies like Alibaba, Tencent, and Huawei competing at the forefront of innovation. This has […]

- August 26, 2023
110 views 2 min

Xinjiang, situated in northwest China, is home to a diverse population, primarily Uighurs, a Muslim minority with a distinct cultural and linguistic identity. The region has a history of ethnic tensions and separatist movements, prompting the Chinese government to implement security measures aimed at maintaining stability. Xi Jinping’s ascent to power in 2012 marked a […]

- August 25, 2023
102 views 2 min

By opting for less expensive hobbled Nvidia cards, China manages to bypass the premium price tag associated with top-of-the-line GPUs while still obtaining the required computational firepower. This approach aligns with China’s goal of rapidly advancing its AI capabilities without draining its resources on exorbitant hardware costs. While this strategy presents a creative solution to […]

- August 25, 2023
118 views 2 min

New Zealand’s economic relationship with China has been substantial, with China being its largest trading partner. The two countries share a mutually beneficial trade partnership, driven by New Zealand’s agricultural exports and China’s burgeoning middle class. However, this economic interdependence has also led to concerns about overreliance and vulnerability. New Zealand is recognizing the need […]

- August 25, 2023
105 views 3 min

A notable development in this intricate geopolitical tango is China’s strategic gains resulting from military-level talks, which not only showcased its diplomatic finesse but also earned President Xi Jinping a prominent seat at the BRICS and G20 summits. Military-level talks between countries are often seen as platforms for resolving conflicts and reducing tensions. In the […]