- August 21, 2023
2,043 views 2 min

The first red flag is the notable deceleration in economic growth. China’s double-digit growth rates of yesteryears have given way to a more modest pace. This is partly due to the natural progression of an economy as it matures. Additionally, global economic slowdown and trade tensions have dampened the once-explosive demand for Chinese exports, exacerbating […]

- August 20, 2023
484 views 44 sec

China’s impressive economic expansion has been accompanied by a surge in debt, evident in its rising debt-to-GDP ratio. Both governmental and corporate borrowing have contributed to this escalating debt burden, triggering discussions about its sustainability. The factors fueling China’s debt supercycle are multifaceted. The country’s growth model heavily relies on investment-driven strategies, which has led […]

- August 20, 2023
2,427 views 2 min

China’s meteoric rise began with Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms in the late 1970s, sparking an era of double-digit annual growth. This transformative period saw millions lifted from poverty, urban landscapes redrawn, and a burgeoning middle class emerge. However, signs of a new chapter have been surfacing. The momentum of China’s growth has waned in recent […]

- August 20, 2023
1,377 views 3 min

The South China Sea has been a hotspot for geopolitical tensions, primarily due to competing territorial claims by China and several Southeast Asian nations, including the Philippines. The maritime region is not only rich in natural resources but also serves as a critical trade route. This has led to a long-standing struggle for control and […]

- August 19, 2023
220 views 3 min

China’s rise as a global economic powerhouse has led to an insatiable demand for natural resources to fuel its industries. Latin America, rich in commodities like oil, minerals, and agricultural products, presented an ideal opportunity for China to secure its resource needs. Consequently, China began investing billions in the region, primarily through infrastructure projects, trade […]

- August 19, 2023
240 views 3 min

The Camp David Summit, held against the picturesque backdrop of the presidential retreat in Maryland, brought together leaders from key Asian nations and the United States. The summit aimed to bolster diplomatic ties, discuss regional security concerns, economic cooperation, and the strengthening of shared democratic values. At the heart of the summit was the reaffirmation […]

- August 18, 2023
436 views 2 min

This unified stance comes as a response to a series of concerns about China’s behavior, particularly its territorial assertions, human rights record, and trade practices. One major point of contention is China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea, where it has been constructing artificial islands and staking territorial claims that clash with those of neighboring […]

- August 17, 2023
1,135 views 3 min

India has been investing substantially in its naval capabilities, deploying advanced warships, submarines, and maritime patrol aircraft. This modernization drive is aimed at enhancing India’s maritime security, strengthening its presence in key sea lanes, and projecting power in the Indo-Pacific. In contrast, while China possesses a larger naval fleet, India’s focus on quality and technological […]

- August 17, 2023
1,036 views 3 min

Javier Milei’s striking choice of words—referring to China as an ‘assassin’—has ignited controversy and curiosity alike. This terminology highlights his concern over China’s economic practices, which, according to him, might undermine Argentina’s sovereignty and domestic industries. While his rhetoric might be charged, it underscores the growing apprehensions about China’s increasing global economic influence. Critics argue […]

- August 17, 2023
2,514 views 2 min

“China’s Defeated Youth” is an apt descriptor for young individuals who, despite their academic accomplishments and relentless dedication, find themselves falling short of societal benchmarks. The pressures these youth confront are rooted in traditional values that prioritize academic success and stability. Yet, China’s education system, fixated on standardized exams, exacts a heavy toll on students’ […]