- October 12, 2023
159 views 2 min

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a massive global infrastructure and development project aimed at connecting nations through trade routes, investments, and infrastructure. Laos, with its strategic location and potential for economic growth, was quick to embrace China’s vision. The BRI brought a surge of investments into Laos, primarily focused on building railways, highways, and […]

- August 25, 2023
105 views 3 min

A notable development in this intricate geopolitical tango is China’s strategic gains resulting from military-level talks, which not only showcased its diplomatic finesse but also earned President Xi Jinping a prominent seat at the BRICS and G20 summits. Military-level talks between countries are often seen as platforms for resolving conflicts and reducing tensions. In the […]

- July 24, 2023
884 views 3 min

For several countries in South Asia, the BRI holds promise as a solution to infrastructural gaps and a catalyst for economic development. By partnering with China, these nations aim to leverage financial resources and technological expertise to advance their growth agendas. The creation of modern transport corridors, energy pipelines, and digital connectivity fosters hopes of […]