- August 28, 2023
117 views 3 min

One of the primary areas where China’s alleged predatorial behavior has been highlighted is its economic practices. Critics argue that China has manipulated its currency, subsidizing industries to gain a competitive edge in international trade. This has led to trade imbalances and the outsourcing of American manufacturing jobs. Moreover, accusations of intellectual property theft and […]

- August 25, 2023
105 views 3 min

A notable development in this intricate geopolitical tango is China’s strategic gains resulting from military-level talks, which not only showcased its diplomatic finesse but also earned President Xi Jinping a prominent seat at the BRICS and G20 summits. Military-level talks between countries are often seen as platforms for resolving conflicts and reducing tensions. In the […]

- July 24, 2023
1,021 views 2 min

In 2019, Italy’s endorsement of the Belt and Road Initiative was met with mixed reactions. Proponents believed that the BRI could open up economic opportunities, granting Italy access to the vast Chinese market and attracting vital foreign investments. However, critics expressed concerns over potential debt traps and the risk of China wielding its economic influence […]