- September 27, 2023
580 views 3 min

China’s involvement in Africa dates back to the 1960s when it provided support to various African nations during their struggles for independence. Since then, China has emerged as a major player in the African continent, becoming its largest trading partner and a significant source of foreign investment. One of the most prominent aspects of China’s […]

- September 26, 2023
256 views 3 min

For years, China has been a crucial trading partner for the European Union. The vast Chinese market offers significant opportunities for European businesses, from automotive and technology to luxury goods and agriculture. Conversely, European exports are vital for China’s economy. This interdependence has led to a complex economic relationship, but it’s one that has largely […]

- September 26, 2023
114 views 2 min

Clark’s ascent in the BPO sector is driven by a combination of strategic advantages and substantial investments in infrastructure and technology. One of the most significant developments in this city is its modern infrastructure, which includes an international airport, excellent road networks, and top-notch facilities. These improvements have not only reduced travel times but also […]

- September 26, 2023
253 views 2 min

One of the most prominent factors in China’s trade woes is its ongoing trade dispute with the United States. This dispute has manifested in tit-for-tat tariffs, creating uncertainty in global markets. While trade agreements have been reached, underlying tensions persist. These include concerns about intellectual property theft, perceived unfair trade practices, and barriers to market […]

- September 26, 2023
157 views 3 min

At first glance, China’s state capitalism appeared to be a masterstroke. The government retained a strong hand in the economy while simultaneously embracing elements of capitalism. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) dominated key industries, allowing the Communist Party to exert control and influence over economic activities. Meanwhile, private entrepreneurs were encouraged to flourish within certain boundaries. The […]

- September 25, 2023
159 views 3 min

China’s demographic landscape poses a significant challenge. The decades-long one-child policy has resulted in an aging population and a diminishing workforce. This demographic shift strains social services, particularly pensions and healthcare, and reduces the labor pool available for economic production. A declining workforce can impede economic growth and innovation. China’s rapid economic expansion has been […]

- September 2, 2023
308 views 2 min

China’s roaring economic growth has taken a sharp downturn in recent years. The era of double-digit growth rates that had long defined China’s economic landscape has transitioned into a more restrained phase. Factors contributing to this slowdown encompass a maturing economy, dwindling population growth, and escalating labor costs. China’s economic tribulations have been further exacerbated […]

- September 1, 2023
103 views 2 min

China’s immense debt load stands as a foremost concern. The country’s rapid credit expansion since the global financial crisis in 2008 has resulted in staggering debt levels. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and local governments are primary contributors, raising alarms about potential financial instability if not managed effectively. The real estate sector, historically a driving force behind […]

- August 28, 2023
93 views 3 min

De-dollarization has been on the agenda of BRICS nations for some time. The desire to reduce their vulnerability to the volatility of the U.S. dollar, as well as assert their economic independence, has been a driving force behind this initiative. However, the summit highlighted the complexities and challenges associated with achieving this goal. One of […]

- August 28, 2023
100 views 2 min

At its core, the China-US relationship is a multifaceted entity shaped by their roles as economic giants and global political players. While China’s vast economy and status as the largest creditor to the US might suggest substantial leverage, Dr. Wang argues otherwise. Economic interdependence serves as a powerful counterpoint to notions of Chinese leverage. Both […]