- July 7, 2023
2,679 views 2 min

As infrastructure projects unfolded, concerns about the debt burden on recipient countries grew. Many lacked the financial resources to repay the loans, leading to potential economic instability and dependency on China. Critics argue that China’s lending practices have often been characterized by unequal bargaining power, leaving low-income countries with unfavorable terms and lacking transparency. China’s […]

- July 7, 2023
1,287 views 2 min

China’s Anti-Espionage Law, initially enacted in 2014, aimed to combat espionage activities targeting the country. The recent expansion of the law has raised concerns within the business community. The expanded law subjects business consultants and advisers to heightened scrutiny and grants Chinese authorities broader powers to investigate and monitor the activities of foreign individuals and […]

- July 6, 2023
1,371 views 3 min

For years, China’s economy has heavily relied on property sales, with the real estate sector contributing a substantial share to the nation’s GDP. This model, while initially effective, carries inherent risks. Excessive dependence on property sales exposes the economy to market fluctuations, property bubbles, and potential crises during market downturns. The reliance on property sales […]

- June 10, 2023
640 views 2 min

Small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of the ASEAN economy, but they often face challenges such as limited access to financing and inadequate resources for growth. Recognizing these hurdles, the US-ASEAN Business Council’s support for the ASEAN SME Academy aims to equip SMEs with the necessary tools, knowledge, and skills to overcome obstacles and […]

- June 9, 2023
623 views 2 min

Foreign investors are offloading significant amounts of Chinese assets as regulatory uncertainties continue to escalate. China’s government has implemented policies to tighten control over industries like technology, finance, and education. Sudden regulatory changes and crackdowns have left investors unsure about the stability and predictability of the business environment, eroding confidence in Chinese assets. Geopolitical tensions […]

- June 9, 2023
502 views 3 min

China’s economy, known for its rapid growth, now faces the significant risk of deflation. Deflation refers to a sustained decrease in the general price level of goods and services. While initially seeming beneficial to consumers, prolonged deflation can have detrimental effects on an economy. As prices decline, consumers tend to postpone purchases, anticipating further price […]