- September 26, 2023
442 views 2 min

The Shangfu scandal revolves around allegations of corruption and mismanagement within China’s defense industry. Shangfu, a state-owned enterprise responsible for advanced military equipment production, has been a cornerstone of China’s military modernization. Yet, accusations of embezzlement, substandard practices, and bribery involving high-ranking military officials have sullied its reputation, raising serious questions about China’s arms capability. […]

- September 26, 2023
297 views 2 min

One fundamental concern is Europe’s growing economic dependence on China. While China has become a critical trading partner, this reliance has raised concerns about the compromise of European economic sovereignty. Additionally, the issue of human rights violations in China, especially the treatment of Uighur Muslims and the situation in Hong Kong, has sparked ethical concerns […]

- September 26, 2023
237 views 3 min

In the wake of the U.S. withdrawal, the Taliban confronted immediate and pressing issues. Foremost among these was the urgent need to provide governance, public services, and economic stability to a nation ravaged by years of conflict. Afghanistan’s economy had been heavily dependent on international aid, which was abruptly cut off as Western nations disassociated […]

- September 26, 2023
158 views 2 min

The visit to China by the Nepalese Prime Minister held immense significance, given the deep-rooted cultural and economic ties between the two countries. However, the key highlight of the visit was Nepal’s refusal to back China’s security doctrine, which places paramount importance on national security and sovereignty being controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). […]

- September 26, 2023
123 views 4 min

China and Pakistan have shared a strong alliance for decades. This relationship has seen significant economic investments, particularly under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. China has invested heavily in Pakistan’s infrastructure, including roads, ports, and power generation, as part of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). This collaboration was viewed as a cornerstone of […]

- September 26, 2023
130 views 4 min

One of the most significant distinctions between India and China is their political systems. India stands as the world’s largest democracy, with a robust and vibrant electoral process. This democratic ethos promotes pluralism, inclusivity, and respect for human rights. In contrast, China maintains a one-party system that lacks the same level of political openness and […]

- September 26, 2023
262 views 2 min

One of the most prominent factors in China’s trade woes is its ongoing trade dispute with the United States. This dispute has manifested in tit-for-tat tariffs, creating uncertainty in global markets. While trade agreements have been reached, underlying tensions persist. These include concerns about intellectual property theft, perceived unfair trade practices, and barriers to market […]

- September 26, 2023
167 views 3 min

At first glance, China’s state capitalism appeared to be a masterstroke. The government retained a strong hand in the economy while simultaneously embracing elements of capitalism. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) dominated key industries, allowing the Communist Party to exert control and influence over economic activities. Meanwhile, private entrepreneurs were encouraged to flourish within certain boundaries. The […]

- September 26, 2023
149 views 3 min

China’s rise as an economic superpower has been nothing short of remarkable. Its vast labor force, manufacturing capabilities, and robust infrastructure have attracted countless Western corporations looking to reduce production costs and tap into the country’s enormous consumer market. For years, businesses across industries have set up operations in China, forged partnerships with Chinese companies, […]

- September 26, 2023
377 views 3 min

Evergrande, founded in 1996 by entrepreneur Xu Jiayin, grew rapidly over the past two decades. The company expanded aggressively, acquiring land and developing residential projects across China. It became known for its ambitious projects, from luxury apartments to massive sports complexes. At its peak, Evergrande was the world’s most valuable real estate company. It was […]