- September 7, 2023
243 views 3 min

The breach in question traces back to a sophisticated Chinese hacking group believed to have ties to the Chinese government. Employing a combination of social engineering tactics and technical vulnerabilities, the group initially targeted and compromised the email account of a Microsoft engineer. This individual held a pivotal role within the company, providing the hackers […]

- September 7, 2023
560 views 2 min

Despite substantial investments in research, development, infrastructure, and talent acquisition, China continues to grapple with several fundamental issues in chip manufacturing. These issues encompass advanced manufacturing capabilities, intellectual property concerns, supply chain dependencies, and a persistent talent gap. China’s ambitions in semiconductors have garnered international attention, particularly from the United States, which has imposed sanctions […]

- September 6, 2023
164 views 2 min

China’s new map departs from previous versions by significantly expanding its territorial claims. Of particular note is the map’s depiction of sovereignty over almost the entire South China Sea, an area hotly contested by Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. These territorial claims have long been a source of regional instability and friction. The […]

- September 6, 2023
139 views 2 min

The South China Sea dispute revolves around competing territorial claims and sovereignty over numerous islands and reefs. China’s assertiveness in these claims, particularly its expansive “nine-dash line” assertion, has raised concerns globally. These claims overlap with the exclusive economic zones (EEZs) of neighboring nations, fueling longstanding disputes and drawing the ire of the international community, […]

- September 6, 2023
126 views 3 min

Maps have traditionally served as tools of navigation and geopolitical representation, reflecting the ambitions, disputes, and territorial aspirations of nations. In recent times, these maps have assumed a more prominent role, particularly in disputes concerning territorial boundaries and maritime domains. The South China Sea, a region rife with competing territorial claims, has become a focal […]

- September 6, 2023
103 views 2 min

To address this volatility and the potential for conflict, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has championed the need for a Code of Conduct (COC) in the South China Sea. The goal is to establish a legal framework that can facilitate conflict resolution, define the rights and responsibilities of involved parties, and offer mechanisms […]

- September 6, 2023
178 views 3 min

The South China Sea, bordered by multiple nations including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan, holds immense strategic importance due to its abundant natural resources and vital role as a trade route. However, competing territorial claims have engendered conflicts, rendering it a contentious geopolitical arena. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has articulated two primary […]

- September 6, 2023
238 views 2 min

At the forefront of these challenges is the economic conundrum. China’s spectacular economic growth, while laudable, has led to burgeoning debt, overcapacity, and decelerating growth rates. Striking a balance between implementing economic reforms and maintaining social stability poses a formidable task for Xi Jinping’s administration. Socioeconomic inequalities have emerged as another focal point. China’s economic […]

- September 6, 2023
336 views 3 min

One of the most pressing issues is the noticeable slowdown in economic growth. China’s economy, once characterized by double-digit growth, has been experiencing a deceleration in recent years. Factors such as an aging population, declining export growth, and the transition to a consumption-driven economy have contributed to this deceleration. Another critical concern is the ballooning […]

- September 6, 2023
383 views 2 min

Xi Jinping has been a symbol of strength in Chinese politics since his ascent to power in 2012. He has portrayed himself as a strongman leader who tackled corruption, bolstered the military, and eliminated presidential term limits, all under the banner of the “Chinese Dream.” This image of an indomitable leader has contributed to his […]