- August 14, 2023
952 views 3 min

China’s assertiveness on the global stage has manifested in various ways, including territorial disputes in the South China Sea, economic coercion against trading partners, and human rights violations in Xinjiang and Tibet. These actions have raised alarm bells among its neighboring countries and the international community, leading to calls for a coordinated response. The United […]

- August 13, 2023
783 views 3 min

The South China Sea is a region of strategic importance due to its vast natural resources and its role in global trade. Several countries, including China, the Philippines, Vietnam, and others, have competing territorial claims in the area, leading to longstanding disputes. The recent escalation involves the presence of Chinese ships near Pag-Asa Island and […]

- August 13, 2023
516 views 2 min

China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea are based on its infamous “nine-dash line,” which encompasses almost the entire sea, overlapping with the claims of several other countries, including Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. China’s aggressive actions in the region, such as the construction of artificial islands, military fortifications, and patrols by […]

- August 12, 2023
712 views 3 min

In a bid to ease escalating tensions in the South China Sea, China (CH) has extended a call to the Philippines (PH) to collaboratively work towards a peaceful resolution. This gesture comes amid growing concerns over territorial disputes and maritime conflicts in the region. The proposition for joint efforts to defuse the situation underscores the […]

- August 2, 2023
415 views 3 min

China’s economic prowess in Africa has allowed it to forge deep-rooted relationships with several African governments. In this symbiotic relationship, China’s centralized governance model has found favor among leaders seeking enhanced control and economic progress. However, the embrace of this model often comes at the expense of democratic values and human rights, causing a regression […]

- July 28, 2023
974 views 2 min

The proposed US-Taiwan trade pact holds significant promise for both nations by creating new economic opportunities. Taiwan is known for its advanced technology and manufacturing capabilities, while the United States boasts a massive consumer market and diverse industries. Through this agreement, Taiwan seeks to expand its access to global markets, boost its exports, and attract […]

- July 28, 2023
224 views 4 min

In a recent development that has drawn attention to the complexities of Hong Kong’s political landscape, a pro-Beijing lawmaker faced nearly three hours of questioning by the National Security Police. The interrogation centered around her wanted relative residing in the United States, raising concerns about the scope and implications of the National Security Law imposed […]

- July 27, 2023
883 views 3 min

China’s remarkable economic growth has come at the cost of a mounting debt burden and an economic slowdown. The government’s efforts to pivot from an investment-led to a consumption-driven economy have met with mixed results, further exacerbated by the trade war with the United States and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, Xi […]

- July 26, 2023
578 views 2 min

The diplomatic proposal comes amidst longstanding historical grievances and territorial disputes that have, at times, strained relations among the three countries. Additionally, regional concerns over North Korea’s nuclear program and China’s assertive actions in the South China Sea have added complexities to regional diplomacy. Against this challenging context, the proposal signifies China’s willingness to foster […]

- July 25, 2023
1,028 views 2 min

Singapore’s economic relations with China have been robust for decades, fostering mutual benefits for both nations. However, this economic interdependence also means that Singapore must navigate the complexities of dealing with China’s assertive political stances. The challenge lies in maintaining strong economic ties while safeguarding its right to express its views on regional and global […]