- August 21, 2023
272 views 2 min

China’s journey into the electric vehicle market began with ambitious goals. The government’s push for cleaner air and reduced dependence on fossil fuels aligned perfectly with the burgeoning EV technology. Substantial subsidies, tax breaks, and infrastructural development incentives led to an explosion in EV production and adoption. A symphony of startups and established automakers joined […]

- August 21, 2023
250 views 3 min

China’s Social Credit System is a comprehensive framework that evaluates citizens’ behavior and assigns a score based on their actions. Initially proposed as a way to encourage trustworthiness and integrity in economic transactions, the system has evolved to encompass a wider range of behaviors, both online and offline. While proponents argue that it encourages positive […]

- August 21, 2023
2,937 views 3 min

Tensions between China and Taiwan have been a long-standing issue, rooted in historical, political, and cultural differences. China considers Taiwan a part of its territory and has not ruled out the use of force to achieve reunification. However, Taiwan operates as an independent democratic nation with its own government and military. In recent times, China […]

- August 21, 2023
1,852 views 2 min

The incident unfolded like a scene from a suspenseful thriller. Acting on a tip-off, law enforcement agencies launched an investigation into a suspected smuggling ring operating in the region. During a routine vehicle inspection, officers discovered something amiss with a seemingly ordinary intercity bus. Closer examination revealed a hidden compartment within the engine bay, ingeniously […]

- August 16, 2023
288 views 2 min

The once-booming Chinese tourism industry now faces a formidable challenge as fewer travelers express the desire to explore its offerings. China, famed for its magnificent Great Wall, the enigmatic Forbidden City, the ethereal beauty of Guilin, and the pulsating energy of Shanghai, has become synonymous with travel. Yet, a concerning shift in this narrative has […]

- August 16, 2023
378 views 3 min

China’s economic growth over the past few decades has been nothing short of remarkable. It transformed from an agrarian society into a manufacturing and technological powerhouse, lifting millions out of poverty. This rapid growth, however, has been fueled by massive debt, overproduction, and reliance on exports. The Chinese government’s focus on maintaining high GDP growth […]

- August 2, 2023
417 views 3 min

China’s economic prowess in Africa has allowed it to forge deep-rooted relationships with several African governments. In this symbiotic relationship, China’s centralized governance model has found favor among leaders seeking enhanced control and economic progress. However, the embrace of this model often comes at the expense of democratic values and human rights, causing a regression […]

- July 28, 2023
224 views 4 min

In a recent development that has drawn attention to the complexities of Hong Kong’s political landscape, a pro-Beijing lawmaker faced nearly three hours of questioning by the National Security Police. The interrogation centered around her wanted relative residing in the United States, raising concerns about the scope and implications of the National Security Law imposed […]

- July 27, 2023
884 views 3 min

China’s remarkable economic growth has come at the cost of a mounting debt burden and an economic slowdown. The government’s efforts to pivot from an investment-led to a consumption-driven economy have met with mixed results, further exacerbated by the trade war with the United States and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, Xi […]

- July 26, 2023
579 views 2 min

The diplomatic proposal comes amidst longstanding historical grievances and territorial disputes that have, at times, strained relations among the three countries. Additionally, regional concerns over North Korea’s nuclear program and China’s assertive actions in the South China Sea have added complexities to regional diplomacy. Against this challenging context, the proposal signifies China’s willingness to foster […]